Tuesday, 12-Oct-99 00:39:36 EDT

What Is Linux?

Linux was started as a learning project by a computer science student, at the Univeristy of Helsinki, Finland, named Linus Torvalds (hence the name Linux). There were two reasons why Linus created Linux. First, he wanted to learn more about the microprocessor he was studying at the time -- and what better way to learn than by creating an operating system to talk to it? Morever, the second reason was that a failing version of Unix, Minix, didn't have the functionality nor features that Linus wanted. To purchase it would cost way too much for a starving student, so he started linux! [TRANSLATION: Linus wanted to bring Unix to the desktop]

He began the Linux experiment nearly a decade ago and has since graduated, but Linus Torvalds is still in charge of the Linux core today, though many companies now exist to help promote and distribute the Linux operating system. Millions of computer science students worldwide use Linux daily for their calculations and studies, and many of them, as well as many other people, help Linus to maintain Linux, release new versions, and keep it all working well [TRANSLATION: Many people actually code different parts of the OS themselves and send it in for review, if it passes approval then it is entered into the next kernel revision.]. Linux is a completely free reimplementation of the POSIX specification, with SYSV and BSD extensions (which means it looks like Unix, but does not come from the same source code base) [TRANSLATION: Linux is a free operating system that mimics the Unix operating system and has similar features and functions], which is available in both source code and binary form [TRANSLATION: source code needs to be compiled and binary code can be untarred]. Its copyright is owned by Linus Torvalds and other contributors, and is freely redistributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). A copy of the GPL is included with the Linux source; you can also get a copy from Linux, per se, is only the kernel of the operating system, the part that controls hardware, manages files, separates processes, and so forth. There are several combinations of Linux with sets of utilities and applications to form a complete operating system. Each of these combinations is called a distribution of Linux [TRANSLATION: ie: Redhat, Debian, Mandrake, SUSE, Caldera, etc.]. The word Linux, though it in its strictest form refers specifically to the kernel, is also widely and correctly to refer to an entire operating system built around the Linux kernel [TRANSLATION: the code that makes the OS work.]. For a list and brief discription of various distributions, see None of these distributions is ``the official Linux''. Linux is not public domain, nor is it `shareware'. It is `free' software, commonly called freeware or Open Source Software[tm] (see, and you may give away or sell copies, but you must include the source code or make it available in the same way as any binaries you give or sell. If you distribute any modifications, you are legally bound to distribute the source for those modifications [TRANSLATION: it is ok, for instance, to bring your Redhat CD to your friends house so she can install it on her machine as well]. See the GNU General Public License for details.

It is ported to run on various hardware configurations, like PowerPC, Apple Macintosh, Alpha, Intel i386, and more coming all the time. With all the volunteers involved with linux over the past 8 years, and more joining everyday, linux looks to have a bright future in the world of computing for years and years to come.

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