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Linux Mandrake screenshots
If you have a very nice desktop, please send a screenshot of your full screen (mail attachment to: Hey! Be creative and illustrate the new features and the best of Linux-Mandrake!!

New Mandrake 7.0 (Air) screenshots:

"Air" running gnome, enlightenment 16.3 w/ AQUA Theme, gimp 1.1.16 (Thanx to Bil Hughes).

"Air" running « kde, bluez theme, konsole, bx, netscape, on 2.2.14-15mdksecure kernel » (Thanx to Curtis).

"Air" running the Gnome graphical environment, with Lothar, xmms, Eterm and the Gnome sound mixer (Thanx to Brian Geffon).

"Air" running the CDE Window-manager (Thanx to Stylianos Koutrakis)

"Air" running "Vnc" under Gnome. Vnc, which is shipped with Mandrake 7.0, lets one using a Windows machine remotely across the network (Thanx to Clifford Yapp)

Mandrake 6.1 (Helios) screenshots:

"Helios" with the new KDE high-coloured KDE icons.

"Helios" running Xmms and RealPlayer G2 (not included in Mandrake): listen to your audio mp3 radio stream and watch the television simultaneously! (demo made with an european ISDN link at 64kbps)

"Helios" running Gimp and AbiWord.

"Helios" running Gnome (Thanks to David Moulton)

"Helios" running Gnome, Enlightenment with a theme (Thanks to Bil Hughes)

"Helios" running Gnome, Enlightenment with a theme (Thanks to Alexandre Smodée)

"Helios" running KDE with the Astronic theme (Thanks to Dade Murphy)

"Helios" running WindowMaker (Thanks to Xavier Pauwels)

"Helios" running KDE and a nice theme (Thanks to Daniel C. Smith)

"Helios" running Enlightenment, Eterm and Win98 under VMWare (VMWare is inluded in the PowerPack edition of Mandrake) (Thanks to Evan Rinaldo)

"Helios" running KDE with Mac theme and Hopkins FBI (inluded in the PowerPack edition of Mandrake)

"Helios" running Word with Wine (included in Mandrake) (Thanx to Clifford Yapp)

"Helios" running KDE and a theme (Thanx to Javier Garcia)

"Helios" running Gnome + Enlightenment (Thanx to Pramod Venugopal)

Mandrake 6.0 (Venus) screenshots:

"Venus" running various apps.

"Venus" includes many True-Type fonts!

"Venus" also includes many KDE themes...

"Venus" with Gnome (Thanks to Florent Lesieur)

"Venus" running Quake II (included in the PowerPack) and a KDE theme (Thanks to Carlos Rego)

"Venus" with Gnome (Thanks to Roberth Edberg)

"Venus" with the "Spiderman" KDE theme (Thanks to Crittle Steele)

"Venus" with Gnome (Thanks to Bruce Ashley CY Koh)

Last modified: Fri Jun 11 00:33:18 CEST 1999
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