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Announce: Linux-Mandrake 7.0 PowerPack available
MandrakeSoft announces the immediate availability of Linux-Mandrake 7.0 PowerPack in the USA.

Altadena, California - February 28, 2000 - The new graphically-enhanced Linux-Mandrake 7.0 PowerPack edition is available at local retailers and through mail-order in the US. The 7.0 PowerPack contains over 2000 applications, new manuals and 100 days of email support at the price of $55 US.

With their goal of introducing Linux to as many new users as possible, a company-wide effort has been focused on ease-of-use issues resulting in the development of many new graphical tools, utilities and "wizards".

Linux-Mandrake 7.0 now includes all the graphical tools that users expect for a simplified system installation such as a new graphical installer with FAT partitions resizer, new desktop enhancements and supported 50 languages. Additionally, Mandrake 7.0 introduces several new concepts and features that will make it the system of choice for servers, such as several pre-configured « Security Levels » and a customized system kernel called « kernel secure » for servers that require extra security.

The Linux-Mandrake 7.0 PowerPack still offers greater value. The PowerPack contains a total of 6 CD-ROMS. Disk 1 is our bootable installation disk, Disk 2 contains complete source files of the installation applications, Disk 3 contains Extra applications, Disk 4 provides source files of the Extras CD, Disks 5 & 6 contain 38 commercial applications including the popular and MS Office compatible office suite StarOffice 5.1a, IBM DB2, IBM Lotus Notes server, IBM ViaVoice, Loki Myth II, Acrobat Reader... The 7.0 PowerPack also includes a newly written installation guide and user's manual. Completing the package is 100 days of technical support by email.

A complete description of Linux-Mandrake 7.0 PowerPack edition is available on:

An exhaustive listing and description of third party software shipped with the PowerPack 7.0 is available on:

About Linux-Mandrake:

Linux-Mandrake is the flagship product of MandrakeSoft Inc. Mandrake is one of most complete and easy to use Linux operating systems available for both servers and workstations. Mandrake continues to be fully compatible with Red Hat Linux. MandrakeSoft keeps its technological edge by actively participating in the rapid development of Linux; improving existing functionalities and contributing new ones. Linux-Mandrake specializes in customizing Linux for the workstation and simplifying the use of Linux for both beginners and advanced users.

Linux-Mandrake was awarded "Best Linux Product of the Year" and "Best Linux-Distribution/Server" at LinuxWorld Expo' 99.

About MandrakeSoft and The Open Development Model force:

Born of the Internet, with offices in both USA and France, MandrakeSoft attributes the development of its Linux distribution to the contributions of thousands of developers throughout the world linked by the Internet. This world-wide effort is constantly adopted and improved by MandrakeSoft's own technical teams to provide one of the most complete and simple graphical Linux operating system available.

The company has signed a strategic partnership agreement with the US publisher MacMillan, and a distribution agreement with Kasper. In the months of July and August 1999, the Linux-Mandrake/MacMillan Edition achieved #1 retail sales in the US by claiming over 50% of all Linux OS purchases.

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