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Linux for windows

title Lnx4Win
What is Linux for Windows ?

Lnx4Win stands for "Linux for Windows". It is used to install Linux on Windows partition without any partitionning step. It uses a linux image and swap file. Lnx4win installs Linux-Mandrake to an image file on a hard drive and creates a desktop shortcut that allows the user to boot from MS Windows to Mandrake. This is not a umsdos file system, but a real ext2 file system inside an image file mounted using a loopback device. Lnx4win also uses a swap file rather than a swap partition.
Lnx4Win works only with new Mandrake installation procedure(DrakX).

Press review

Buried Treasure: Lnx4win
by Hoyt Duff in LinuxForum
More on Lnx4Win
Linux for Windows
You can download Lnx4Win now in this directory Note that this is not official distribution yet. You need to download latest Mandrake Distribution (aka cooker) and you need to put files in rigth place manually.
See explications below:

You can contact the autors: Alexandre Dussart(6.0 and current maintainer)
Warren Downs(based on his work)

Last modified: Thu Apr 20 20:07:35 GMT 2000
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