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Apache Today: July 2001 Netcraft Web Server Survey: IIS Gains on Apache
(Jul 31, 2001, 21:05 UTC) (11260 reads) (59 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
The Apache Web server goes down by more than 4 percentage points, while Microsoft IIS gains more than five percentage points. May the Best Code Win: Reaction to OSCON's Microsoft-Red Hat Debate
(Jul 30, 2001, 19:28 UTC) (5598 reads) (34 talkbacks) (Posted by mhall)
Sun's manager of its Open Source Program Office speaks out on Microsoft's "shared source": "When you lie down with a snake, you can't cry about getting bitten, because a snake is a snake by its nature. I'm not saying that Microsoft is bad people, I'm saying that the kind of business they have engaged in for so long has made it more of a challenge for them to make the switch, and they are not there yet. And I question whether or not they are ever going to be there." Open Source Is Hot On HP's Coolbase
(Jul 24, 2001, 00:15 UTC) (2497 reads) (6 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"The platform consists of several components including software for enabling devices to become smart and Web connected; software for representing people, places and things and a context-aware relationship with each other; supporting hardware and software elements; and sample applications that illustrate the use of these various elements."

Evolution Beta 1 (0.11) is out
(Jul 20, 2001, 23:15 UTC) (4196 reads) (11 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"The Ximian Evolution team is pleased to announce the availability of the Beta 1 release of Ximian Evolution, the integrated groupware solution for GNOME desktops. The first of three beta milestones, the Beta 1 preview release begins our countdown to the 1.0 release this fall."

LinuxProgramming: ActiveTcl is released
(Jul 20, 2001, 15:00 UTC) (1265 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
ActiveTcl is made up of the latest stable core of Tcl (8.3.3), plus a slew of extensions.

CNET Open-source challenge to the musical status quo
(Jul 19, 2001, 06:07 UTC) (3231 reads) (5 talkbacks) (Posted by mhall)
This interview with the head of the Ogg Vorbis project is interesting enough, even if the rationale behind the need for a free and open sound standard is well-covered ground to most regular readers. Mr. Montgomery's insights into the post-boom open source world are possibly more interesting.

Debian Weekly News - July 18th, 2001
(Jul 19, 2001, 00:26 UTC) (2478 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by mhall)
Weekly news from the Debian project.

Apache Today: ApacheCon 2001 Europe cancelled
(Jul 18, 2001, 01:55 UTC) (2993 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
The Apache Software Foundation is exploring options for future conferences.

LinuxProgramming: Komodo 1.1 Release Candidate 2 for Linux Now Available
(Jul 13, 2001, 14:30 UTC) (2430 reads) (4 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
ActiveState releases release of Komodo 1.1 Release Candidate 2 for Linux. Komodo is ActiveState's cross-platform, multi-language Integrated Development Environment (IDE), developed on Mozilla.

LinuxProgramming: First stable release of the Gnome XSLT library available
(Jul 10, 2001, 21:00 UTC) (2007 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"I'm happy to announce the first stable release 1.0.0 of libxslt, the Gnome XSLT library (and version 2.4.0 of libxml2 the Gnome XML library)."

LinuxProgramming: This week on perl5-porters (10 June--17 June 2001)
(Jul 10, 2001, 19:00 UTC) (1070 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Simon Cozens reports on what's new from the perl world.

LinuxProgramming: Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 9)
(Jul 9, 2001, 22:00 UTC) (2132 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
All that's new in the Python world.

Apache Today: Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 package announced
(Jul 9, 2001, 18:29 UTC) (3780 reads) (9 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 is a feature-rich, object-relational database that delivers the functionality required for advanced database-driven applications. Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 offers strong enhancements and additions such as Great Bridge's graphical installer, technical documentation including installation, user and reference guides, advanced administration tools, 30 days installation and configuration support, and one year of software updates."

David A. Wheeler: Why Open Source? Look at the Numbers!
(Jul 9, 2001, 14:56 UTC) (7561 reads) (34 talkbacks) (Posted by mhall)
Linux and open source advocates will enjoy this page, which brings together a lot of extraneous data from assorted sources to demonstrate how well Linux is doing in terms of market share, performance, and TCO. From the gentleman who brought you the recent analysis of Red Hat's software content: "GNU/Linux, More Than a Gigabuck."

Publish: Why should you care about open source?
(Jul 8, 2001, 17:00 UTC) (7357 reads) (27 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
The ultimate Open Source projects? XML and Macromedia's DreamWeaver, a closed-source product with an open API.

LinuxProgramming: GPL Mumps Compiler available
(Jul 8, 2001, 16:00 UTC) (3362 reads) (4 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"Mumps (sometimes called M) is a language from the late 60's used widely in medicine. We have developed a GNU GPL version of Mumps that translates Mumps code to C for subsequent compilation. The compiler itself is covered entirely by the GPL license and the run-time support routines that are incorporated into the compiled programs, by the LGPL."

EE Times: Axis hitches its 32-bit RISC chip to Linux
(Jul 7, 2001, 16:00 UTC) (4021 reads) (1 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"A modestly performing 32-bit RISC processor with a pedigree dating back to the early 1990s is quietly gaining momentum in the marketplace, having hitched its star to the Linux platform."

GNOME Games released
(Jul 7, 2001, 15:00 UTC) (3078 reads) (3 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"I'm happy to announce a new release of everybody favorite set of games, the version of gnome-games 'Where did all the bugs go?' is now out. This release contains a lot of fixes, so upgrade is recommended."

TMDA 0.22 released
(Jul 7, 2001, 13:00 UTC) (1401 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Those of you tired of spam may want to check this out: TMDA is a qmail-based anti-spam system. It's currently in development.

Datamation: Doors Still Closed to Open Source Databases
(Jul 6, 2001, 22:00 UTC) (6337 reads) (39 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Charlie Garry, an analyst for the Meta Group, looks at the Open Source database sphere and concludes that without the direct support of a major database vendor -- like Oracle or Microsoft -- open-source databases (such as MySQL and PostgreSQL) face formidable obstacles to commercial acceptance.

LinuxProgramming: GNOME: Two Nautilus libraries updated
(Jul 6, 2001, 21:30 UTC) (3028 reads) (1 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
The two libraries are eel and librsvg. While the new libraries aren't essential for any Nautilus user, better performance will result if these libraries are implemented.

UK Online: Online Consultation
(Jul 6, 2001, 18:00 UTC) (2226 reads) (18 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Normally we don't link to online discussions, but this one is so important that we had to note it. Great Britain is seeking opinions on how to better open its government Web sites for all users. As you'll recall, a U.K. government Web site based on Microsoft technology -- which worked only with Microsoft Internet Explorer -- raised the ire of Open Source advocates who saw the site as being unnecessarily exclusionary.

Andrew Morton: ext3-2.4-0.9.0 released
(Jul 6, 2001, 17:00 UTC) (3641 reads) (9 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
An update of the ext3 journalling filesystem for 2.4 kernels is now available.

LinuxProgramming: Zope 2.4.0 beta 3 released
(Jul 5, 2001, 23:50 UTC) (1399 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Another beta on the road to a final release.

LinuxProgramming: python-dev summary 2001-06-21 - 2001-07-05
(Jul 5, 2001, 21:30 UTC) (1057 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
This is a summary of traffic on the python-dev mailing list between June 21 and July 4 (inclusive) 2001. It is intended to inform the wider Python community of ongoing developments.

LinuxProgramming: GNOME: Bonobo 1.0.7 released
(Jul 5, 2001, 20:30 UTC) (1716 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
If you're using Bonobo, you'll want to note this: a new release addresses a nasty bug in the accelerated prop get/set.

Slashdot: GnuCash Developer Robert Merkel Responds
(Jul 5, 2001, 20:00 UTC) (2683 reads) (2 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Robert Merkel responds to 10 questions from Slashdot readers.

Yahoo/CNET: IBM says Microsoft arrogant on open source
(Jul 5, 2001, 19:00 UTC) (6542 reads) (40 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
As you might predict, IBM comes out against Microsoft's stance on Open Source.

IBM developerWorks: Advanced filesystem implementor's guide
(Jul 5, 2001, 18:00 UTC) (3430 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
"With the 2.4 release of Linux come a host of new filesystem possibilities, including ReiserFS, XFS, GFS and others. Sure, these filesystems sound cool, but what exactly can they do, what are they good at and exactly how do you go about safely using them in a Linux production environment? In the advanced filesystem implementor's guide, Daniel Robbins answers these questions by showing you how to set up these new advanced filesystems under Linux 2.4."

LinuxProgramming: Midgard Weekly Summary #62
(Jul 5, 2001, 17:30 UTC) (730 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Midgard is a freely available Web application development and publishing platform based on the popular PHP scripting language. It is an Open Source development project. In this issue: Linuxtag is this week and Midgard is there; server move, new Bugtracker, Repligard class, and notes.

Linux kernel 2.4.7-pre1 & 2.4.7-pre2 released
(Jul 5, 2001, 13:03 UTC) (3802 reads) (10 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Changelog within.

BrowserWatch: Galeon 0.11.1 released
(Jul 5, 2001, 02:39 UTC) (6191 reads) (13 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
This latest version is compatible with Mozilla 0.9.2 and contains new features as well as a slew of bugfixes.

ZDNet: Caldera chief says Linux needs profit to thrive
(Jul 4, 2001, 23:00 UTC) (4365 reads) (66 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Caldera's Ramsom Love defends his firm's decision to charge for Linux on a per-seat basis, and he reaffirms his opinion that the GPL isn't that good for business.

LinuxProgramming: Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 3)
(Jul 4, 2001, 22:30 UTC) (1533 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
All that's new and noteworthy from the Python world.

LinuxProgramming: This week on perl5-porters
(Jul 4, 2001, 20:30 UTC) (922 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Simon Cozens reports on what's new in the Perl world.

OnlineCourse 0.1 released
(Jul 4, 2001, 17:30 UTC) (1283 reads) (3 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
OnlineCourse is a Zope product which allows you to implement a web based distance learning application. Main features include an online chat classroom, message board, upload of course materials from MSWord doc files, log of student participation and provisions for assignment entry and homework entry and grading. Ogg Vorbis: The Future of Digital Music
(Jul 4, 2001, 16:00 UTC) (4673 reads) (26 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Could Ogg Vorbis be the most important Open Source project ever? Yes, according the folks at

Linux Gazette: Using RPM: The Basics (Part I)
(Jul 4, 2001, 14:00 UTC) (1332 reads) (4 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Jose Nazario describes how to install RPM packages in the first part of this two-part series.

OpenNMS Update v2.27
(Jul 4, 2001, 13:00 UTC) (1258 reads) (0 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
The mission of is to build the world's best Internet infrastructure management system with the assistance of the open source community and to make it free and open.

Linux Kernel 2.4.6 is out
(Jul 4, 2001, 10:55 UTC) (7447 reads) (17 talkbacks) (Posted by kreichard)
Kernel 2.4.6 is on the FTP servers.

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LinuxPlanet: Editor's Note: The Customer's Always Wronged
Michael Hall revisits the state of technical and customer support one last time, recounting his struggle with the DSL people and some reader responses to his mandatory Linux removal. The bad news: tech support is universally bad regardless of what OS you're running. The good news: there's a quiet Linux underground in the support pits you might stumble across if you're lucky.
(Jul 31, 2001)
Linux Today Features

Joe Pranevich: Wonderful World of Linux 2.4
"Linux 2.4.0 was released without much fanfare on January 4th, 2001. Although it has often been criticized for tardiness, the Linux kernel adheres to the Open Source philosophy of releasing code when it is ready."
(Jan 5, 2001)
Linus Torvalds: And oh, btw..2.4.0 is out
"In a move unanimously hailed by the trade press and industry analysts as being a sure sign of incipient braindamage, Linus Torvalds (also known as the "father of Linux" or, more commonly, as "mush-for-brains") decided that enough is enough, and that things don't get better from having the same people test it over and over again. In short, 2.4.0 is out there."
(Jan 5, 2001)

Small Features

Enterprise Linux Today: IBM 'Linux-enabling' Channel Partners; Good News for Linux, What About Linux Companies?
"Out of all the ways IBM is backing Linux with its considerable resources, the just announced drive to Linux-enable its channel partners is perhaps the most important part of Big Blue's strategy to push Linux into wider business use. But if the IBM initiative succeeds in creating a much larger Linux market, it's not clear how much Linux companies will benefit."
(Mar 2, 2001)
Enterprise Linux Today: In Context: Interview with Akopia's CEO on the Red Hat Acquisition
"Brett Pinegar, Akopia president and CEO, now general manager of Red Hat's newly formed e-business solutions division, talks about Red Hat's acquisition and plans to create an open source e-commerce powerhouse around Akopia."
(Feb 5, 2001)
Enterprise Linux Today: CollabNet Helps Investment Banking Software Go Open Source
"CollabNet is focusing on enabling an open source development model, for a fee, for companies that want to move a body of code into an open source development model. CollabNet's facilitation of the open source release of a major piece of software by a German investment bank is just the latest development in what may turn out to be a trend."
(Jan 30, 2001)

Linux Planet

*Editor's Note: The Bug Days of Summer
*.comment: Leave the Front Door Unlocked, Too
*Editor's Note: The Customer's Always Wronged
*Editor's Note: Sun's Practical Present, Tech Support Revisited
*.comment: The Digital Millennium Rape Act

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ZDNet: Is BSD the tortoise?
Linux Today: Eric Raymond on Microsoft supporting FreeBSD
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July 2001 Netcraft Web Server Survey: IIS Gains on Apache
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