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 Career @ Mid Day

We are a vibrant and fast-growing team operating in the evergreen media industry with exciting opportunities for growth and development of our workforce. We offer careers in brand management, in journalism spanning different media, in monetising of journalistic content in our various media through exciting advertising programmes communicated through our sales force, or media partners.

Our goal is to create customer delight by effectively meeting the needs of our customers both external and internal and by offering value-added products and services.

Our personnel policies are designed to make us employers of choice and not chance. These policies are based on colleague needs, designed to be friendly and implemented in a transparent manner.

Some important ingredients of our work ethos, which shapes the way we deliver and operate:

  1. A strong performance orientation focussing on enhanced delivery standards, which is the cornerstone of all our transactions.
  2. Working through cross-functional groups thereby cutting across functional boundaries, to deliver to the customer at the least time and cost.
  3. A learning environment where brainstorming, sharing, analysing, and changing frames of reference happens continuously, with the objective of continuous improvement in every interaction, process and product.
  4. Commitment to excellence in everything we do.
  5. A proactive orientation, thereby identifying opportunities for ourselves and being the first to convert these opportunities into revenue to further strengthen our businesses.

If you feel you have it in you to be part of a vibrant and growing media powerhouse, mail your resume to

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