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Another bogus claim from Secretary Spellings Email Print

Believe it or not, Sec Spellings is already claiming that No Child Left Behind deserves credit for the modest increase in writing scores nation-wide. From a press release from the US Dept of Education.

"U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today highlighted the results of The Nation's Report Card<sup>TM</sup>: Writing 2007. Secretary Spellings commended educators and students for the significant progress made under No Child Left Behind."

This can't be true.

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No profit, therefore no crisis Email Print

In 2004, the media informed us that there was a social security crisis, that social security will face a serious shortfall in 40 or more years. President Bush's "solution" was privatization, converting a portion of social security to private accounts that would be invested in the stock market. This would, of course, mean enormous profits for stock brokers and investment companies, major contributors to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaigns.

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Why is Bush so eager to use torture? Email Print

President Bush recently vetoed legislation that would stop the CIA from using water-boarding and other harsh methods of interrogation because such methods "have a proven track record of keeping America safe."  

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The Pope and Ann Coulter Email Print

Last October 10, 2007,on CNBC's The Big Idea, conservative writer Ann Coulter proclaimed that Jews need to be "perfected" and that they would be better off being Christian.

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Despite Rocky History, Birmingham LGBT Community Makes Progress (EDGE) Email Print