Keyword: Animal Rights

Death Park Slaughterer: "We euthanized 312 deer in 3 nights..." Email Print

As with most forms of nonhuman animal exploitation and slaughter, it comes down to human monetary gain, "tradition," comfort, pleasure or convenience--with an utter disregard for sentience and for the growing body of cognitive ethology studies showing that the individuals that people like you and hunters wantonly massacre lead relatively rich intellectual, emotional, and social lives. It takes a souless person, Tony, to reify or objectify thinking, feeling individuals to the extent that you can eradicate them like a flea infestation, murdering them, tearing apart families, and leaving fawns motherless before they're self-sufficient.

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Like the Little Satans We Are Email Print

By Jason Miller


For Sylvia

We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form.

-William Ralph Inge, Outspoken Essays, 1922

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Sentient Like Me: Ape Rights and the Myth of Intelligence amongst Speciesists Email Print

Blatant speciesist and self-described "liberal Republican" William Saletan recently penned a predictably narrow-minded and weakly argued anti-animal rights editorial for Slate Magazine.

Originally bowing to the will of Microsoft, Slate is now economically beholden to the Washington Post. Billed as "liberal" (which simply means they're sycophants to the filthy status quo as they call for "reform" to a hopelessly degenerate system), naturally Slate was more than happy to provide Saletan a forum for his unbridled arrogance and bigotry.

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Rover is not on the menu, Wilbur is, and Mahmoud just starved to death: Email Print

"Another bacon burger, anyone?"

By Jason Miller

"If my competitor were drowning, I'd stick a hose in his mouth and turn on the water."

--Ray Kroc

"...a funny, jowly, canny, barbarous guy who lives in a multimillion-dollar condo on Park Avenue in Manhattan and conveys himself about the planet in a corporate jet and a private yacht. At sixty-seven, he is unrepentant in the face of criticism. He describes himself as a "tough man in a tough business"....."The animal-rights people," he once said, "want to impose a vegetarian's society on the U.S. Most vegetarians I know are neurotic.""

--Jeff Tietz's description of meat processing magnate, Joseph Luter III (from his Rolling Stone article, "Boss Hog")

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