Keyword: Bill Bennett

Iraq Car Bombings Reveal False Neocon Reassurances Email Print

The latest wave of Baghdad car bombings reported in Sunday's New York Times flies in the face of the latest reassurances of neocons that America's Iraq War strategy has been successful.

The latest synchronized suicide car bombings, according to Times reporter Timothy Williams, "struck at the heart of the Iraqi government, severely damaging the Justice Ministry and provincial council complexes in Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least 132 people and raising new questions about the government's ability to secure its most vital operations."  

The grim reality of what occurred is further described by Timothy Williams:

"The bombers apparently passed through multiple security checkpoints before detonating their vehicles within a minute of each other, leaving the dead and more than 520 wounded strewn across crowded downtown streets.  Blast walls had been moved back off the road in front of both buildings in recent weeks.

Wait... There's more! (6 comments, 761 words in story)

Seven Deadly Sins of a Right-Wing Moralizer Email Print

"What nature joins let no gays put asunder." - Bill Bennett

"[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." - Bill Bennett

How poetic.

And now... Billy-boy Bennett, the great conservative moralizer, has come through yet again -- letting us know exactly how evil we all are.

This time, he's decided that we on the left aren't outraged enough by the recent leak of the revelations of secret CIA prisons.

And I say, cast not the first stone....but since he already has, why don't we take a stroll down memory lane and check out the real man behind the hyperbolic vitriol...

Sure, he moralizes for millions and then blows it gambling. No worries though. Everyone has his or her vice(s). For example, everyone clamped down on Bennett's gambling 'problem' as some great icon of hypocrisy. But really gambling is no big deal....uh, that is...unless you ask Bennett's loyal following.

Wait... There's more! (5 comments, 1812 words in story)