Keyword: Bush-Cheney International War Crimes

Bush's War Crimes Team Bellows About "Honor"? Email Print

The team that gave us a war based on deception to grab oil and expand empire, the team that has given us Abu Grhraib, waterboarding, rendition and unlimited torture and detention without trial, all of which are egregious criminal offenses under the U.S. Constitution dares lecture the rest of America and the world about honor!

In this case we are talking about more than "honor among thieves."  It is not that this label does not apply in the wake of rushing to war after Dick Cheney and the New World Order corporate establishment divided up the profits of war even before the first Donald Rumsfeld "shock and awe" attack was perpetrated.

It is just that the massive excess of the Bush-Cheney international criminal enterprise has reached such suffocating lengths that the term "thieves" represents a classic understatement.

Scott McClellan has revealed no more than what any reasonably well informed willing to pay attention and face the ugly facts already knows.  The big news is that an insider on the Bush-Cheney team has chosen to tell the truth, the same Scott McClellan who once questioned the patriotism and honor of Helen Thomas, the dean of White House correspondents.

Wait... There's more! (811 words in story)