Keyword: Communism

Answers to Sean Hannity, No. 9 Email Print

Mr. Hannity: "Monarchism, National Socialism, fascism, communism--all these forms of authoritarianism are illegitimate and inherently unjust." (pp. 10-11)

My response: I agree that National Socialism (Nazism) and communism are not legitimate forms of government because of their innate injustice. In different ways, both ideologies degrade the humanity of a people--Nazism through the elevation of society to godlike status, communism through the reduction of persons to mere cogs in the machinery of state. By eliminating socially "inferior" citizens, including Jews, Catholics, the mentally ill, and the handicapped, the racist and eugenicist Nazis worked to create a "master race" hoping to restore Germany's past glory. Communism is a collectivist system of government in which the state controls and regulates all the details of the ordinary lives of its citizens. While attempting to ensure the material security of all the citizens, it strips the individual person of his freedom--to worship God as he chooses, to purchase goods or property, to raise a family without interference, to determine his job, hours, or wage, to freely assemble with other citizens, to obtain a fair trial, or to criticize government policy.

Wait... There's more! (783 words in story)

Wanted: Hugo Chavez Email Print

When the coup came in 2002, it certainly came as no surprise to the Bush administration.  They'd help to plan it, they knew it was coming, and they were on hand to provide color commentary and praise for the replacement leadership.  Elected president Hugo Chavez was out, Bush's chosen businessman Pedro Carmona was in, and the United States couldn't have been happier.

Then Chavez easily restored order and revealed US involvement.  Oops.

The question is why were they so anxious to go after this man?  Sure, Chavez has leftist leanings, and he has oil, but there are a lot of governments more openly inimical to our own in control of oil reserves.  Why is Chavez the focus of so much effort?   Why has Pat Robertson called for Chavez' murder, naming him a "dangerous enemy" of the United States.  Okay, there's the fact that Robertson is a fruit loop, but in this case, he may be right.

Hugo Chavez may be the most dangerous man in the world.

Wait... There's more! (6 comments, 1534 words in story)