Keyword: David Iglesias

Renegade Justice: An Interview With Former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias Email Print

Photobucket The topic below was originally posted on my blog, the Intrepid Liberal Journal.

David Iglesias is the prototype twenty first century Republican: charismatic, Hispanic, an evangelical Christian and a captain in the Navy Reserve who served for many years in the Navy's Judge Advocate General Corps ("JAG"). In  1998, Iglesias campaigned to become Attorney General of New Mexico against the heavily favored Patricia Madrid. He nearly pulled off an upset and the Republican Party took notice. In 2000, Iglesias paid his party dues and worked for George W. Bush's election.

Wait... There's more! (747 words in story)

New in depth interview with fired attorney David Iglesias Email Print

David Iglesias was interviewed by Jeff Huber for My Left Wing.

There is some very illuminating comments by David;

DI:  It is.  Right, you're appointed by the president, you're confirmed by the Senate, you serve typically anywhere from 4-7 years.  Some people leave earlier, some people get fired, although that's relatively unusual.

And what makes this scandal so different is that large number forced to resign on the same day with no real justification, with no legal basis for that.


I knew you could be fired for getting involved in political matters as a U.S. attorney, but I never thought I would be fired for not getting involved in Partisan political activities.

Wait... There's more! (223 words in story)