Keyword: Democratic primary

Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos Cross-voting is Anti-American & Illegal Email Print

Republicans are supposed to be the party of "law & order" and "family values."  Yet throngs of them are flooding the polls to vote for Hillary Clinton, whom they believe to be the Democratic party's weakest presidential candidate.  Rush Limbaugh and other right wing pundits are actively encouraging republicans to crossvote for Sen. Clinton not just to disrupt and prolong the Democratic primary race, but also because if Clinton wins the nomination, she will engage and energize their base in the general election.

Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" encourages willful violations of the law, and he as well as his followers should be called on this fraudulent undermining of our democracy.  Voting is a privilege and a right for which Americans have fought and died in order to obtain.  Operation Chaos isn't funny or clever.  It's illegal and traitorous; and should be treated as such.

Indiana election law IC 3-10-1-6  Eligible voters
Sec. 6. A voter may vote at a primary election:
(1) if the voter, at the last general election, voted for a majority of the regular nominees of the political party holding the primary election; or
(2) if the voter did not vote at the last general election, but intends to vote at the next general election for a majority of the regular nominees of the political party holding the primary election; as long as the voter was registered as a voter at the last general election or has registered since then.


Barack The Vote Email Print

America is looking for a leader who inspires us, someone who can rebuild our trust in government and our good name worldwide. Barack Obama is drawing both young and old out of the woodwork and into the Primary election. Progressives see a path to change and are poised to invigorate politics in ways we haven't seen since the 1960s. But can we sustain the current "Barack the Vote" progress and keep the attention of our youth when pitted against the likes of pop culture movie stars and idols that dominate our news? Will the "Yes We Can" movement last long enough to carry us through the elections next fall?

This year there is more at stake than just the U.S. presidency. We have a potentially historic opportunity to take back the Senate and fire all the Bush-policy rubber-stamping obstructionists in Congress. If Democrats, Independents & progressives want to win the 2008 presidency and, more importantly, achieve a landslide takeover of Congress, Democrats need a candidate who doesn't have cultural/religious/ideologi cal baggage the GOP can use to rouse their conservative religious base. Both Clinton and Obama have issues the GOP will exploit. Why is it that the fake-morality minority continually out-votes progressives? Because fear and hate are greater motivators than desire for positive change. The GOP is well aware of that dynamic and uses the fear of gays and anger about legal abortions to motivate their conservative fundamentalist base. Meanwhile, the left rarely uses its majority political clout to ensure the country is run the way we want it to be run.

Wait... There's more! (1063 words in story)

A winning Democratic presidential team Email Print

Hillary Clinton is the GOP's best Get Out the Vote strategy in 2008.  
If Democrats, Independents & progressives want to win the 2008 presidency and, more importantly, achieve a landslide takeover of Congress, Democrats need a presidential team that won't stir up the vindictive passions of conservatives.  Why?  Because conservatives are in the minoity, yet they out-vote progressives when they're angry, fearful or spiteful.  Even with the Iraq quagmire and lying, cheating and stealing (CIA outing, war profiteering and record oil profits) firmly tied to the Bush Administration and its policies, the Democrats' showing at the polls is dismal. The left simply doesn't use its majority political clout to ensure the country is run the way we want it to be run.  
Next year there is more at stake than just the presidency.  We have a potentially historic opportunity to take back the Senate.  The conservative movement is faltering.  We need to be careful not to reinvigorate it with a bad choice in the Democratic primary.  Remember Barry Goldwater?  The people who voted for his losing presidential bid did so as if it were a badge of honor.  Some of our candidates in the Democratic pool could inspire that type of spiteful, negative voting again next fall, which would result in a lost opportunity to elect new Democrats in Congress as well.  If progressives want to enact change in Congress and take our government back, we need to face up to reality before our wishful thinking sets us up for failure next fall.

Wait... There's more! (1 comment, 999 words in story)