Keyword: Doonesbury

Doonesbury and ePluribus Media Tackling PTSD Email Print

ePluribus Media has just published Blaming the Veteran: The Politics of PTSD.

Along with their PTSD Timeline, the folks at ePM hope to shine a light on the plight of veterans returning to us suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]. They're not the only ones working on educating the public on this issue -- Garry Trudeau has been doing his part, too.

Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau

Following up on my last diary on the award-winning comic strip, let's find out how returning character B.D. (a hard-nosed wounded Iraq combat vet and amputee) is dealing with his PTSD...

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Doonesbury this Week: One Vet's PTSD Struggle Email Print

Thank you to ltsply2 over at SoapBlox/Chicago for alerting me to this week's Doonesbury strip.

One of this award-winning strip's returning characters, B.D. (a hard-nosed guy who never needs anyone's help), is an injured Iraq combat vet and amputee.

He's also suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau

(Click here or on image to enlarge)

One of the significant obstacles in successful PTSD treatment is the reluctance of those suffering with it to reach out for help. For a variety of reasons (military indoctrination, avoidance, `toughing it out', fear of appearing weak or `crazy'), many vets suffer alone. The decision to get help is one that is often made gradually. Often with a lot of hesitation. And a lot of agony.

Doonesbury is portraying this with aplomb this week.  

Below the fold, get caught up with B.D.'s reconnoitering of his local Vet Center. And take a look at the list of options (in addition to the VA's Vet Centers) you have if you're suffering with PTSD. Know you're not alone. Know that help is out there waiting for you. Please reach out and take it.

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