Keyword: Election Theft

Yes, Mr. Bush, Mugabe's Zimbabwe Government is "illegitimate", but so is yours! Email Print

Is George Bush so far removed from reality that he fails to see how vulnerable he is when he calls the ruthless and undemocratic government of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe "illegitimate"?

Mugabe has something in common with George Bush in that he has legitimacy problems on his own behalf and achieved "victories" in 2000 and 2004 amid ruthless and undemocratic practices that were aimed at African Americans.

Bush's own brother Jeb, as governor of Florida, teamed up with then Secretary of State Katherine Harris to create a successful scheme to disenfranchise thousands of African American voters in the Sunshine State.  

As a result the vote was close enough to allow the Federalist Society to prevail with a U.S. Supreme Court majority of one to shut down a democratic recount in that crucial and deciding state and throw the election to Bush.

Wait... There's more! (334 words in story)

The Culture of Corruption: A Year In Review Email Print

November 2nd was the one year anniversary of Bush stealing another presidential election, and Think Progress has documented the major political events during the last twelve months, showing just how utterly, irredeemably corrupt the White House and the current version of the GOP truly are.

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