Keyword: G8

Can You Hear Me Now? Email Print

Can You Hear Me Now?

For the last couple of years whenever the Chowder Head portrayed above has appeared on my TV screen I have instantly reached for the mute button on my TV remote.

I simply cannot stand the sound of the fraudulent bastard's voice anymore, and, having heard and read enough of him during the first few years after his torturous and calamitous appearance on the national scene, I know full well that he will not speak one word of truth nor provide even the smallest morsel of important information.

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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: The G8's Response to Africa Email Print

In my ongoing efforts to generate grassroots involvement in  creating a better vision for development in Africa, I am passing this along: (remaining text from the Call for Abstracts)

Wait... There's more! (492 words in story)