Keyword: Geraldine Ferraro

Republican Demagoguery on "Palin Smear"; Remember Ferraro in 1984? Email Print

In one of the latest chapters of the latest evolving Republican campaign of demagoguery we see another example of the Joseph Goebbels playbook being utilized, that familiar tactic of repeating a lie so often that it ultimately is accepted as true.

The nomination of Sarah Palin began with self-serving lies about her record in brief service as Alaska's governor and before that as mayor of Wasilla, a town of less than ten thousand people.  McCain immediately left himself open to criticism and second guessing by raising such a high expectation bar with unceasing comments about the need for "experience" in the White House during the next four years.

In that Palin, like any other candidate, had a record to analyze, it was only customary to study it.  To do so and make comments about that record stands as ipso facto "sex discrimination" according to the McCain spin artists.  

To handle acting chores and supply the necessary crocodile tears, McCain's campaign has appointed Carly Fiorina, deposed CEO of Hewlett-Packard who waltzed away with one of those nifty golden parachutes that the middle class never experience.  When others receive pink slips nothing goes with them.  They are not even seasoned with mayonnaise.  

Wait... There's more! (1205 words in story)