Keyword: Insults Directed Toward International Allies

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Zealous right wing ideologues of the Bush administration insulted some of America's most trusted allies during the buildup to the Iraq War as on Air Force One the words "French fries" were eliminated from the menu in place of "freedom fries."

Any expression concerning cool reflection rather than rush to "shock and awe" from the international community was greeted with insults compatible with the prejudicial slams from a Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage as Germany became a nation of "kraut eaters" and Swedes "quiche eating sissies."

A parade being led by an administration featuring Vietnam War draft dodgers spouted an insulting barrage of epithets at sophisticated nations and their people.  It sickened the stomachs of Americans of intellect and conscience.

A recent poll conducted by London's Guardian reflects what people from leading nations throughout the world think in turn of George W. Bush along with the clones who seek to replace him with similar policies while lacking the intellectual courage to admit as much.

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