Keyword: Limbaugh Drug Problems

What Happens to Tough Guy Limbaugh When Confronted? Email Print

Rush Limbaugh in his megalomania, with the Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele issuing a quick apology after being blasted on the air by the loquacious talk show host, feels so energized that he has challenged President Obama to a debate on his program.

After his long, episodic rants against Bill Clinton continued while George W. Bush was running up record world debt and taking America to war on an unproven charge, Limbaugh now accuses Democrats of "ganging up on him" and has issued a type of "High Noon" declaration to Barack Obama.  

David Brock and members of his group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) have repeatedly accused Limbaugh of distortions and even published a book on the subject.  There has been an outstanding challenge to Limbaugh to debate one of their representatives with a mutually accepted moderator and venue, giving him a chance to respond to charges.  To date there has been no interest shown by Limbaugh.

What Limbaugh loves, in the manner of Bill O'Reilly, is having the controls in his hands so he can promptly cut individuals off or refute them after they are off the air.  

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