Keyword: Neocon Economic Hysteria

Senator McCain: Have You and Reagan Surrendered? Email Print

It is interesting, Senator McCain, how you, in an effort to get more Republicans aboard  your presidential ship, how you push two buttons you hope will achieve immediate success:  1) accusing the Democrats of "surrender"; 2) invoking the name of Ronald Reagan as you proclaim yourself to have been an early foot soldier in the "Reagan Revolution."

Since you brought up the subject of surrender, let us explore it with you and Reagan.  Beginning with yourself, what about that disgraceful 2000 Republican primary campaign in South Carolina when the forces of George W. Bush.

Led by Karl Rove, the ruthless neocons attacked your wife as a harlot, attacked your mental stability, and used stereotypical racism by alleging that you had a "black" daughter, meaning the little girl you adopted from Bangladesh?

Many of us attacked this shameful scorched earth style of savage and thoroughly repugnant campaigning.  At one debate with Larry King moderating you demanded that Bush not even touch you.

Wait... There's more! (988 words in story)