Keyword: Neocon Strategy

"Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammunition, and Give Me My Tax Cuts!" Email Print

The reigning corporate plutocracy's game plan could be succinctly summarized by paraphrasing a famous song of yesteryear.

"Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition and give me my tax cuts!" is reflective of what passes for current day philosophy of the New World Order, neoconservative right inhabited by the likes of George W. Bush, Tea Partiers, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Karl Rove.

How much better it would be for America as well as the rest of the world if the angry Boehner refrain regarding Obama's health care legislation of "Hell no, you can't!" and the angry frustration embodied in it represented an accurate assessment of where things really stand in current day America.

In the overall scheme of events the Obama campaign refrain that Boehner was mocking is far more indicative of how the New World Order neocons are faring than any kind of accurate prediction of where Obama's forthcoming administration would take America.

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Rumsfeld and the "New Fascism" Email Print

When Donald Rumsfeld warns, as he did in his speech at the American Legion Convention in Salt Lake City last week, about "a new type of fascism" he is correct, but in the opposite manner from the intent of his explosive remarks.

When Democrats fight back by flailing at Rumsfeld and stating that he should leave for advocating the wrong policies regarding the Iraq War the question that remains is:  If Rumsfeld leaves before sundown what kind of replacement will surface?  After that the corollary question should be asked of, "Will a definitive policy change be made?"

The most cursory look at the Cheney-Bush playbook provides one resounding answer - there will be no change.  The reason is that the game plan for global empire established when Bush's father was in office and declared the dawning of a New World Order is looming ever larger with breakneck rapidity.

Rumsfeld is one of the "good old boys" of the Project for the New American Century.  This is the gang that invoked a New Pearl Harbor in a famous position paper as it sought to mold the world in accordance with its image.  

Wait... There's more! (913 words in story)