Keyword: PEPFAR

The Failure of Abstinence-only Education Abroad Email Print

Population Action International's latest documentary "Abstaining from Reality: U.S. Restrictions on HIV Prevention" provides a compelling snapshot of the Bush administration's abstinence-only approach to global HIV prevention.  A short preview of the article is posted here. Watch the eye-opening documentary short that accompanies Tamar Abrams' full story on eye-opening documentary short that accompanies Tamar Abrams' story on

Wait... There's more! (287 words in story)

But HIV IS a Reproductive Health Issue Email Print

At a recent briefing by the folks at the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, Ambassador Jimmy Kolker asked about whether any PEPFAR funded programs were going to focus on providing the HPV vaccine to adolescents, given that this would also build capacity for rolling out other vaccines in the future. Kolker's response was a bit of an admonition to remember that this is the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (emphasis on AIDS). He said that OGAC is interested in integrating HIV/AIDS services into reproductive health services, but they won't be working to integrate reproductive health services into HIV/AIDS services. Hmmm.

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FRC: Gay Man in Charge of AIDS Work Like Putting "Fox in Charge of the Henhouse" Email Print

Earlier this week, I posted about David Kuo's new book Tempting Faith.  People have been wondering out loud after the book's release this week if the Religious Right would freak out and live up to the titles given them by some in the Bush Administration ("whackos," "nuts," etc.)  Well, whether they've read the book or not, check this out...

Wait... There's more! (198 words in story)