Keyword: PR campaigns

Spring Cleaning at the White House Email Print

Ah, Spring--it brings to the forefront all those unpleasant things you meant to do during the year, but never got around to.  Including throwing out roommates who may no longer be welcome.

With Bolten pushing his five-point plan   to salvage what's left of the Bush Presidency.  But a simple cosmetic procedures (such as bringing in Tony Snow) or any amount of PR campaigns won't bring up those poll numbers.  When CNN has you at 32% and Faux News at 33%, you know you're in trouble.  Even with the President out promoting his energy policy, while at the same time imposing oil reserve limits, as well as pushing his immigration policy and Medicare D plan, his numbers are plummeting.  

By the way, have you noticed that lately every time he gives a speech (even to pre-screened supporters), his poll numbers go down?  (Don't forget that oil companies' profit reports are due out 4/25/06.)

Such a limited "hit the road and court the press" approach won't begin to correct the imbalance we currently have in Washington.  It's time for a Democratic counterattack.

Wait... There's more! (442 words in story)