Keyword: Political Ads

Republicans take Fear and Smear to a New Extreme Email Print

Maybe you thought Jim Talent's unrelenting stream of attacks against Claire McCaskill's family was the bottom of the Republican barrel.  Or maybe you were appalled at the race-baiting ads being used against Harold Ford in Tennessee.

But if you want to know the Republicans in full wingnut bloom, you need look no further than the campaign of Paul R. Nelson for Wisconsin's third district.

How about an ad that features gay marriage, terror attacks, homosexuals in the boy scouts, and illegal aliens burning an American flag all in one thirty second spot?  It's Republican fear and smearaganza, brought to you by the Nelson campaign

And honestly, that's Nelson's most reasonable ad.

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Think Outside Your Bubble: New Campaign Ad from CA's "No on 85" Email Print

No on Prop 85 released an unusual TV ad on Monday.  Sponsored by the ACLU and the California Teachers Association (CTA) in the Bay Area, this ad was designed to cut through the election clutter and highlight vulnerable teens who would be endangered by Prop 85.    

"This commercial is different from any other political ad you currently see on the air," said Maya Harris, Executive Director of the ACLU. "We wanted a spot that would cut through the clutter and look different from all the other political ads on the TV.  We also wanted to make sure the spot clearly conveyed Prop 85's real danger - that, in the real world, teens from violent or abusive families will be put at great risk."

Wait... There's more! (200 words in story)

Tactic: Describe your Opponent with 'Words of Weakness' Email Print

Today, SusanG urged us to fight back against the Republican strategy of framing Democrats as 'Pandering' to the 'Anti-War' crowd, noting that it was "Just the 'unpatriotic, cowardly' smear we've all come to know and love."

She was referring to Republicans' release of a Web video "showing a white flag of surrender waving over Democrats like Howard Dean and Sen. John Kerry to highlight their negative comments about US soldiers in Iraq this week,." According to the New York Post, the video is intended "to use the Democrats' own words to press the idea that they favor a 'retreat and defeat strategy.'"

In doing so, Susan hit upon a much larger tactical maneuver that Republicans have implemented religiously over the years. It's one that applies universally and effectively to all situations.

Fortunately, it also applies to Republicans - particularly those who follow the 'Strict Father' model of Morality.

So here's what we should do...

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