Keyword: Rapture

Senator McCain, Will You Return Money from the Bigoted Preachers? Email Print

Now that John McCain has rescinded endorsements he previously exhorted from John Hagee and Rod Parsley a question emerges.

One of the big incentives along with holding the religious right voting bloc intact, hoping he will get the same kind of boost from it that George W. Bush had previously, was the financial clout that such big buck televangelists bring to a presidential campaign.

We learn about the forbearance that McCain and other rightist Republicans displayed toward Texan Hagee and Ohioan Parsley.  

Even after Hagee had revealed that New Orleans received the tragic jolt of Hurricane Katrina because the city was slated to stage a gay pride parade and that Catholicism represented the great whore, he continued to be defended by McCain and Texas U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Wait... There's more! (598 words in story)

McCain's "Spiritual Adviser" Believes Nuclear War Inevitable Email Print

With the mainstream media's steady firepower being directed basically in one direction, one would think that the big story of this presidential campaign season revolve around statements made by Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Chicago and how they politically impact on Barack Obama.

How essentially silent this same media has been concerning the statements of Reverend John Hagee of San Antonio.  The only recent definitive study I have seen done on Hagee came from Hagee's fellow Texan Lou Dubose in the excellent political journal he edits and writes for, The Washington Spectator.

Here is how the mainstream media has handled the Hagee matter when it has focused on it at all.  There were two infamous statements that were discussed.  

One dealt with Hagee's explanation that Hurricane Katrina involved an act of vengeance wreaked on the city of New Orleans by an angry God because the city had scheduled a Gay Pride Parade.  Hagee later backed away from the statement when pressured for an answer by media sources.

Wait... There's more! (5 comments, 993 words in story)