Keyword: Republican Fear and Hate Tactics

Don't Let Them Scare You! Throw the Republicans Out! Email Print

In any democracy theoretically parties and their candidates run on their records with the results determined by analyzing those results alongside alternatives presented by the opposition.  In the upcoming November 7 national election it is imperative to keep one's eyes on the ball, as a major league hitting instructor would implore, and avoid the many distractions hurled onto the paths of voters.

The Republican Party knows it cannot run on the most appalling record ever achieved in the United States extending from George Washington's first term of the presidency to the present.  So what are brain trust Karl Rove and his loyal troops of foot soldiers doing?  What is that final standby intended to produce eleventh hour magic when all else has failed, as, according to all respected measuring authorities has occurred?

If your response is "Scare the daylights out of voters!" you have kept your eyes on the ball.  It is no coincidence that America's best publicized fright night, Halloween, occurs less than three days before the nation's voters march to the polls to cast votes on the composition of the next U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

A Washington Post front-page story of October 20 by Dan Balz and Jim VanderHei revealed Republican strategy as America moves into the home stretch of the current campaign season.  Some of the most significant comments come at the end of the story, when Balz and VanderHei register the strategic sentiments of Mary Matalin, long-time Republican operative and recently one of Dick Cheney's majordomos.

Wait... There's more! (1704 words in story)