Keyword: Speciesism

Sentient Like Me: Ape Rights and the Myth of Intelligence amongst Speciesists Email Print

Blatant speciesist and self-described "liberal Republican" William Saletan recently penned a predictably narrow-minded and weakly argued anti-animal rights editorial for Slate Magazine.

Originally bowing to the will of Microsoft, Slate is now economically beholden to the Washington Post. Billed as "liberal" (which simply means they're sycophants to the filthy status quo as they call for "reform" to a hopelessly degenerate system), naturally Slate was more than happy to provide Saletan a forum for his unbridled arrogance and bigotry.

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Meat's Meat....So Let's Eat Email Print

By Jason Miller

Click on the link below to see the hard-hitting photos that accompany this essay: HOMASPAINE/?p=566

Canine. It's what's for dinner.

We pride ourselves on our devotion to the principle of equality here in the United States, so it's time to put our values where our mouths are, so to speak. Pigs, chickens, cows, and the like already endure abject suffering so we can consume their flesh, so it is only fair that we include "man's best friend." How could they better prove their deep loyalty to us than by sacrificing their lives to feed us?

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Moral Primitivism Anyone? A Satirical Examination of an Apologia for Industrialized Torture Email Print

"Again, if PETA is putting something out, I will always have my doubts - they see things one way and one way only. Theirs. In many ways the activists in this country are terrorists of a kind...." [Excerpt from an email written by a heavily indoctrinated and reactionary US American]

By Jason Miller

Thomas Paine's Corner HOMASPAINE/?p=460

For a year now I have been an ethical vegetarian. Last Thanksgiving, I made what I thought was an enlightened moral decision to stop eating meat and to severely restrict my egg and dairy consumption. However, an email recently hit my inbox that presents such a powerful argument justifying the wanton torture and slaughter of animals (so we can please our palates) that my moral sensibilities and capacity to reason have been utterly disarmed. Signed with a cryptic "JC," this missive pummeled me with points I had not even considered when I made what I now rightly view as my ridiculous decision to go "meatless."

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Two Legs Good, Four Legs Equal Email Print

Thomas Paine's Corner

"The moral duty of man consists of imitating the moral goodness and beneficence of God manifested in the creation towards all his creatures. Everything of persecution and revenge between man and man, and everything of cruelty to animals is a violation of moral duty."

-Thomas Paine from The Age of Reason

Despite the trappings of a civilized culture and the incredibly persistent myth of our moral exceptionalism, we in the United States are collectively a group of mean-spirited, depraved barbarians. Sparing our psyches the pangs of conscience by ferociously devouring the corporate media's seemingly endless supply of rationalizations, euphemisms, historical revisions, distractions, denials, distortions, and affirmations of our pathological self-absorption, we each carry a degree of responsibility in the infliction of immeasurable unnecessary pain and suffering upon the rest of the Earth's sentient beings.

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