
Keyword: Transparency International

New Corruption Study Has Important Lessons for U.S. Voters Email Print

As a result of a misguided and poorly planned U.S. invasion, Iraq is mired in brutal civil warfare with no end in sight. The Bush administration and Republicans in Congress would have us believe that the invasion was worthwhile because it brought democratic government to the nation.  But, U.S. officials have incessantly meddled in Iraq's internal affairs, with the result that Iraq is now considered the third most corrupt nation in the world, ranking 160 out of the 163 countries measured for integrity in a study just released by Transparency International.

Wait... There's more! (364 words in story)

Moni v Transparency International: Is Moni the next Norma Rae? Email Print

If Transparency International keeps this up, it won't be long before Moni becomes the next Norma Rae. From talking to her it is all too clear she doesn't see herself in that light. Quite to the contrary, Moni just sees herself as an unemployed woman who knows of an apparent injustice she would like to blog about. But as TI continues their full-court press against the blogger, this woman who wants little more than to be supportive of her friend is beginning to become an icon to the European world for free speech. Perhaps the US should adopt her for the same purposes.

Wait... There's more! (972 words in story)