
Keyword: Video Tape

The Last Stupor Email Print

As a rule, I don't usually do commentary. I more prefer trying to tell funny stories or create phony pictures to get a point across satirically. That being said, every once in awhile you run across a picture that, like the old cliché, paints a thousand words. No Photoshopping needs to be done. It's like the spirited stallion that can't be broken.

This picture, released yesterday, is one of those rare moments in my humble opinion. The sheer power and depth of the unconscious and subconscious metaphor that was unleashed upon an apparently unaware American public is mind-boggling. I refer to a still capture of the just uncovered, and, dare I say "leaked" video depicting the briefings of President Bush, Chertoff, Brown and the rest of the apostles prior to Hurricane Katrina's landfall.

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