
Keyword: Worldview Weekend

Are You a Dominionist? Take the Test! Email Print

You may not be a dominionist -- but you might be surprised to find out what you really are, according the folks at Worldview Weekend:

"After you've taken the test, you will get an instant score. Your worldview will be tested in the area of law, economics, civil government, religion, social issues, sociology (family issues) education and science. Your worldview will be rated for these eight areas as either: Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker, Moderate Biblical Worldview Thinker, Secular Humanist Worldview Thinker, Socialist Worldview Thinker or Communist/Marxist/Socialist /Secular Humanist Worldview Thinker. You will also receive an overall worldview score and rating..... For those of you scoring the highest score possible, Biblical Theism, you will be REWARDED with a beautiful, professional looking certificate. This certificate will certify that you took the test and scored as a Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker. You can print out your certificate at the end of the test, but it will also be emailed to you so you may save it or print it out on beautiful parchment paper. This certificate would look great on your wall and would also be very rewarding for students who take this test.

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