Keyword: absentee

Do you know the ID rules for 1st-time voters? Email Print

This matters before Tuesday – since early voting continues through MONDAY in about 20 states.

It's going strong still in Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Wisconsin, Maine, California, Vermont, Arkansas, Minnesota, Arizona, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Idaho, Montana, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, and Nebraska.

And you can turn in Absentee ballots still in most states. Even where the absentee deadline was earlier, as in Pennsylvania, the votes you mark for federal candidates, President and VP, will be counted for all absentee ballots turned in before Tuesday's poll closing.

Learn the ID requirements -- they are not limited neatly just to states known as the so-called "VoterID states." In most states, it's important especially if you're a first-time voter and you registered by mail instead of in person. It affects processing of your absentee ballot too.

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ID rules for 1st-time voters, affect a lot of states Email Print

Know the ID requirements when you go to vote -- they are not limited neatly to just the so-called "VoterID states." In most states, they're important especially if you're a first-time voter and you registered by mail instead of in person. It can affect processing of your absentee ballot too.

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