Keyword: advertisements

Changing the Game Email Print

Right now many of us -- maybe even most of us -- are working furiously to affect the results of the elections now less than a day away.  Volunteers, staffers, and candidates alike have had their fill of cold pizza, stale donuts, and bad coffee.  But this is it, the ninth inning, the home stretch, the final push toward victory.  We can all sleep when it's Wednesday, and the United States has made the first step toward returning to sanity.

As part of this last push, candidates have rolled out their final set of ads.  Those with comfortable leads are giving delivering friendly little homilies and wrapping big grins around their thanks to the little people.  Those who aren't enjoying the upside of the polls are desperately applying poison to their blades and slashing in all directions, hoping against hope to make a fatal stab.

This is the game.  This is politics.  And you know what?  I hate it.

Wait... There's more! (2485 words in story)