Keyword: crime

IDrive Free Online Backup Email Print

It seems like I am always in a collection mode of some sort when I find images of something that is the topic of the day. I find and save to the computer hard drive every image that I like and will return at another time to compare and review the images on the computer hard drive. I had an unfortunate experience a long time ago when my web host got hacked and all the files were lost. I didn't have any backups so I basically lost two years worth of blog posts and comments. I've learned the hard way so nowadays, I perform a daily backup my WordPress database and make sure I have a backup of all my theme, plug-in and other miscellaneous files that I use on my blog. So the key to anything is not to loose what you have saved.

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Answers to Sean Hannity, No. 20 Email Print

Mr. Hannity: "The Bush administration's assessment of the challenges we face from terrorists, and their state sponsors, is serious, thoughtful, and realistic. The antiwar activists of the Democratic left, on the other hand, have expressed a vision that is naïve at best, dangerously out of touch at worst." (p. 177)

My response: Serious and thoughtful the president's picture may be, but to call it realistic is utterly absurd. President Bush claims that terrorists are consumed with unconditional hatred for America and everything good it stands for, and that thus we have no choice but to wipe them off the face of the earth. In the president's mind, Islamic terrorists are portrayed as sub-human agents of the devil, and given up for hopeless because we cannot do anything to change their evil plans. This is not just unrealistic, it is defeatist.

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Open Discussion about "Rhetoric of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" Email Print

Last week I submitted an article for editorial review on Political Cortex titled, "Rhetoric of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict." It spent about one week in the queue, was voted up and down, and then finally disappeared from the queue. I would like to open a discussion about this controversial article for the purpose of gathering people's thoughts about it, and to learn why it was not deemed suitable for publication on this website.

Wait... There's more! (2 comments, 537 words in story)

Answers to Sean Hannity, No. 4 Email Print

Mr. Hannity: "The primary evil we face today is terrorism." (p. 3)

My response: With the traumatic images of September 11 burned into our consciousness, it can be tempting to look on international "Islamic" terrorism as the greatest evil inflicted by human beings upon our civilization. However, this view is erroneous, pathetically myopic, unconsciously self-pitying, encourages unlawful revenge, and is hypocritical.

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Answers to Sean Hannity, No. 2 Email Print

Mr. Hannity: The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were "...unmistakable act[s] of war and crime[s] against humanity." (p. 1)

My response: Yes, the attacks of September 11, 2001 were terrible crimes against humanity which killed thousands of innocent people. They were unequivocally condemned as such by all the nations of the world.

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Why your vote counts -- John Conyers as House Judiciary Chair. Email Print

This is directed at anybody who thinks that their vote will not be important in the next election for whatever reason. It doesn't matter whether you are a Green disgusted at what you see as a lack of spine by the Democrats or a former Hackett supporter disgusted at what you see as an insular establishment who determines the candidates for Senate in smoke-filled backrooms. You are missing the key point as to why it is so important that you go to the polls and vote for a Democrat. You forget that a vote for a Democrat for Senate or the House is a vote for John Conyers as chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

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Culture Clash: Booze Bashing in Oakland Email Print

And you thought internecine religious wars were over:

Muslims Clash Over Oakland Liquor Stores

OAKLAND, Calif. - They weren't your ordinary thugs. Dressed in bow ties and dark suits, nearly a dozen men carrying metal pipes entered a corner store, shattered refrigerator cases and smashed bottles of liquor, wine and beer, terrifying the clerk but stealing nothing.

They just wanted to leave a message: Stop selling alcohol to fellow Muslims.

Somebody needs a "time out".


A holiday poem for the Republicans Email Print

This is just a little something I threw together in an openthread over on kos...I figured I'd share it with you good people as well.

Of course, bush will return directly to Crawford as he takes the entire week of Thanksgiving off for vacation (as he has since taking office)...I don't think he ever undersood that four-day weekends aren't meant to be treated as seven day drunks, but to each his own.

I worry that the heat will come off of bush with the holiday break, but there is good news on the horizon...Scanlon's turning state's evidence, and republicans are running scared.  I don't even think bush wants to return to Crawford (where, of course, Cindy Sheehan is waiting to remind him that she's still pissed off about having her son killed in Iraq and wants an answer.

Scanlon starts talking,
Abramoff won't be walking,
Delay's now balking,
And Bush's leaks still need caulking,
GOP tactics are shocking,
But there's been less Chickenhawking,
Though con blogs are still squawking,
and Helen Thomas Scotty's stalking.


People, Property and Thumb Removal Email Print

RENO, Nevada (AP)-- The mayor of Las Vegas has suggested that people who deface freeways with graffiti should have their thumbs cut off on television.


Goodman said the city has a beautiful highway landscaping project and "these punks come along and deface it."

"I'm saying maybe you put them on TV and cut off a thumb," the mayor said. "That may be the right thing to do."

Goodman also suggested whippings should be brought back for children who get into trouble.

Where to begin, where to begin ....

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