Keyword: health care

Slim, Gates and Spain pledge $150m to fight disease Email Print

Two of the world's richest men and the Spanish government have pledged $150m (£101.7m) to battle disease and improve health in Central America and Mexico. Carlos Slim and Bill Gates are to fund a project jointly with Spain aimed at improving nutrition and maternal health and fighting dengue fever and malaria. The two men and Spain's Princess Cristina announced the project in the Mexican capital, Mexico City. The project also aims to reduce infant mortality and boost vaccination rates.

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Is it Spring Break or is Politicking Permissible? Email Print

Bradford pear trees are budding out.  Rhododendron are giving big promises.  It's hard to concentrate on little tasks at  hand.  I want to know.  What shoe is going to drop in the world of politics next?

There is too much undercurrent in the Eworld.  That frolicking of Palin in Nevada is curious.  I try to keep my mind on sensible questions of which nation is mad at which.  And then comes a torrent of words over civility in US politics.   How does a simple soul like me sort out what has happened to a country whose history amounts to reinventing itself?  

Take voting for example.  Originally, without property those who were not full citizens--women and slaves being among them--were given the brushoff.  

Voting was a privilege and therefore a duty, it seemed.  By force of amendments to the constitution two large groups, plus adolescents from the age of 18 to 21, were included as full-class citizens.  However, be aware if one went afoul of the law all that might change.  And residency was expected to be decently permanent.  

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Republican Tea Baggers Reliving The Civil War Email Print

Once the health care bill was passed the Republican-Tea Bag Party reverted to Civil War legal tactics to seek repeal.

In the spirit of the Tea Bag Revolution, Republican attorneys general are involved in class action activity using the tactic of interposition.  

This is the same concept propounded by the legendary Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, a doctrine that clashed with that of the founder of the Republican Party, President Abraham Lincoln of Illinois.

When was the last time you heard a Republican refer to The Party of Lincoln?  In bygone years the phrase was used repeatedly at Republican Party national conventions and on the campaign trail.

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How FDR Would Have Handled Tea Bag Obstructionism Email Print

It was a different era and a different style of leadership, occasioned by a Great Depression paradigm shift.

This was when FDR came to power with a mandate for change.  We had a strong grassroots union movement that helped forge the way and the progressive coalition was gradually strengthened under Roosevelt's New Deal leadership.

This was before the grand emphasis of focus groups and those polite panel discussions on places like CNN that the mainstream media fobs off as representative democracy in action.

Very importantly, this was before the lobbyists held a choke hold on the democratic system that it was never compelled to release through remedial campaign reform legislation.  

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What Part of NOW do the Dems Not Understand? Email Print

Two weeks ago at the health care summit, President Obama had one of his finest, if not "the" finest moment, of his presidency. He stood up for the people in this country who want health care reform (and contrary to what the Republicans keep saying, that’s the "majority" of Americans), and he stood firm. He gave us the transparency he promised on the campaign trail. He let the Republicans have their say. And when it was all over, there was no question as to the goal of the hypocrite, obstructionists on the right side of the aisle, to do anything and everything in their power to stop, kill and obliterate health care reform, the American people be damned.

Two weeks later, there has been some progress, but although Obama has set March 18 as the day by which he wants a vote, Speaker of the House Pelosi has said only that it is "an interesting date." Harry Reid stated that no "arbitrary deadlines" would be set.

What part of "NOW" do they not understand?

It’s time for President Obama to press the issue, rather than defer to his own spineless party, or attempt to reach out to the Republicans yet again, as he did only a few days after the summit.

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The 360 Degree Spin Zone Email Print

I'm amazed at returning to find Political Cortex now a screamer site! No comment, it seems, is based on a sober appreciation of the failure of the voters to install honest legislators and executives. All the blame, it seems, must go to the prostitutes and not the johns.

We specialized humans have decided to buy our governance from the lowest bidder for our nodding assent to promises snicker-inducing in any reality but that of election campaigns.

But we're not evolved to handle the reflexiveness of the niche we've built. Darwin hasn't been around long enough, and we don't like him anyway, for pointing out we're not the crown of creation, but merely an over-adaptable self-obsessed twig on the evolutionary bush.

And bush was devolution, not easily overcome.

Now Political Cortex has been invaded by the noise machines, especially Skip MacLiar (whatever...)



The 360 Degree Spin Zone Email Print

I'm amazed at returning to find Political Cortex now a screamer site! No comment, it seems, it based on a sober appreciate of the failure of the voters to install honest legislators and executives. All the blame, it seems, must go to the prostitutes and not the johns.

We specialized humans have decided to buy our governance from the lowest bidder for our nodding assent to promises snicker-inducing in any reality but that of election campaigns.

But we're not evolved to handle the reflexiveness of the niche we've built. Darwin hasn't been around long enough, and we don't like him anyway, for pointing out we're not the crown of creation, but merely an over-adaptable self-obsessed twig on the evolutionary bush.

And bush was devolution, not easily overcome.

Now Political Cortex has been invaded by the noise machines, especially Skip the Liar (whatever...)



What on Earth Are You Trying to Do, Mr. Obama? Email Print

Social Security recipients in 2010 will be cheated out of cash they deserve.

The annual cost of living increase will not rise for the first time since they began being calculated yearly for seniors on Social Security.  

This injustice has been accomplished through an accounting cheating system.  The soaring cost of health care and gas are not included within the cost of living scale, thus giving a completely false calculation.

How interesting that congressional salaries, however, have increased while Social Security payments did not.  

Wait... There's more! (817 words in story)

Is Health Care Reform an Attack on Senior Citizens' Medicare? Email Print

This question must be considered as the Obama Democratic administration claims that transferring $500 billion from Medicare to health reform funding won't hurt senior citizens Medicare.  They've got to be kidding!

As if that wasn't enough to frighten senior citizens, doctors' fees are being slashed 21 percent.  What doctors would want their fees drastically cut, and then be required to take the heavy case load of Medicare patients they have been burdened with lately?

It is drastic cuts in Medicare and doctors' fees that caused such outrage at those recent town hall meetings throughout America.

On October 14, USA Today ran an incredible story revealing how some of the CEO's of A.I.G., the insurance giant the federal government bailed out with borrowed billions, was using some of the handout money now that they had become welfare wards.

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Health Care Reform or Health Care Fraud? Email Print

So now the public option is said to be dead, but never fear because we will obtain health care reform in spite of it all.

Howard Dean as a doctor and former governor knows the ropes.  He  spirited a health care bill through the Vermont legislature and signed it into law.  Dean did not sound optimistic about the prospect of reform when he appeared on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC program Tuesday night.

In fact, Dean, sounding like the refreshingly candid guy so many of liked as a breath of fresh air in the political system, told Maddow point blank that a health care bill without the public option would be fraud.

How refreshingly blunt and deliciously on point.  Dean knows in ways that those self-designated experts on health care, the esteemed senators Grassley and Hatch, do not, about cost containment how crucially it factors into the picture.

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Ted Kennedy's Ideal: Health Care Linked to Cost Containment Email Print

Since national health care is so inextricably linked to the public policy beliefs of Senator Edward Kennedy it is essential to recognize the linchpin on which its foundation rested.

When his brother President John Kennedy championed a Medicare proposal that would ultimately become law under his successor President Lyndon  Johnson its foundation rested on public policy.  Such had been the case earlier extending back to the Bull Moose Party platform of Theodore Roosevelt and comparable subsequent proposals by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman.

Cost containment is the engine driving the historic proposal.  Its four presidential proponents along with Senator Kennedy recognized the need to hold down costs in the private sector in order for such a proposal to succeed.  For instance, I read just this week a figure that, since 2002, the profits of health insurers burgeoned more than 400 percent.

It is with this reality in mind that it was disconcerting to learn about an agreement that President Obama allegedly reached with the same pharmaceutical giants that have driven prescription drug costs up to record levels.  

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American Dissatisfaction and the Peaceful Grassroots Revolution, Part 4 Email Print

Imagine a nonpartisan presidential candidate who lives in a modest house, walks or bicycles around town, mows his own lawn, travels in a 1990s motorhome, and does without air conditioning and TV. Meet "Average Joe" Schriner. Joe explains that his age (52), his height (5'10"), his weight (180 pounds), his yearly income (five digits), his home state (Ohio) and his overall political outlook represent the average American.

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Democrats Beat Republicans in Yet Another Poll Email Print

Based on falling congressional approval ratings, Republicans have been publicly implying that Americans don't like Congress since the Democrats gained control in January. In fact, congressional Republicans have far lower approval ratings than Democrats.

Given the recent polling data, Republicans should stop speciously pointing fingers and start asking: 1) why do most Americans view us negatively, and 2) what can we actually do to change that?

Last week's Gallup poll found that more American's trusted Democrats over Republicans to do a better overall job and to handle national security and prosperity. The new Washington Post/ABC poll results contain similarly bad news for Republicans.

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We can't afford as a nation to be stupid anymore ... about Energy, Health Care, our future Email Print

We can't afford as a nation to be stupid about paying for health care anymore. alizard, 6 May 2007
Thus, was the concluding sentence of a post advocating the need to solve -- or at least ameliorate -- health care costs to create space for tackling energy problems.  ALizard was responding to my comments about commonalities between energy and health care posted to yet another excellent NYCEve discussion of health care issues.

And, well, truth be told: at one point in time, when riding truly on top of the world, the United States could afford to be stupid about many things ... the days where stupidity is a tolerable policy path have passed ... it is time for thought and intelligence to reign.

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Global Warming: We Choose but our Children Face the Consequences Email Print

I have had several interesting discussions recently about global warming. Of course sometimes I run into denial lobby drones who yammer "it's a myth" despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, and I merely deal with them with a slap down, fools that they are. But there also are legitimate discussion of what can we do---as a society, as individuals. We have a 10 year window according to top scientific and economic experts coming at the question from different angles. We have a 10 year window.

It has recently struck me that those who will be most affected by our choices regarding global warming will be too young during that critical 10 years to have any say whatsoever in our choices. We decide but our children will feel the brunt of the consequences.

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