Keyword: lobbyists

Circus Maximus Politicus And That Urpy Feeling, A Rant Email Print

Eight faces that I'm thoroughly sick of.

Ten faces that make me vomit, projectile style.

Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote,

He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note.

He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple,

Tellin' me he loves all kinds-a people.

He's eatin' bagels

He's eatin' pizza

He's eatin' chitlins

He's eatin' bullshit!

Bob Dylan "I Shall Be Free"

I knew this would happen when they started campaigning for the 2008 election five minutes after the 2006 mid terms. I felt it coming, like the feeling I get when I eat a giant sausage sandwich with peppers and onions at midnight, I know that indigestion is in my immediate future.

I'm sick of politics, thoroughly, fed up, to the gills.... Urp!

I know, I know, being sick of politics is like being tired of living, OK so what what what do you do about it? Shut up? Quit bitching? Take up residence in the nearest hermitage? Find a cuckoo's nest and commit to it?

Wait... There's more! (682 words in story)

Regarding The Al Gore Ad On Proposition 87 Email Print

This was not written by a Democrat or a Republican. This was written by someone who cares for the environment, sees the true urgency of this crisis, and is tired of the political run around on all sides. This proposition does not call for getting alternate energies to market now, which I believe is a mistake in that it will make people suspicious about its motives. Therefore, as an American and someone who does not believe this to be a political issue, that is where this opinion comes from... the heart of a working American tired of being taken advantage of by a system that never considers the plight of the poor in regards to their policies. And this climate crisis is defintely an issue where the poor in this country have the biggest stake.

Wait... There's more! (1 comment, 1837 words in story)

Senate Pushes Lobbying Reform Bill as Delay Spends Primary Night at Fundraiser Hosted By Lobbyists Email Print

The Senate "began consideration of legislation on Monday that would require lobbyists to disclose more about their activities and ban gifts by lobbyists to members of Congress and staff." They "hope to complete action after voting on a long list of possible amendments later this week."

The bill, which is "a response to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal that hit Washington with details of millions of dollars from Abramoff's clients going to win friends and buy influence on Capitol Hill... ...would require lobbyists to be more open about the meals they buy and the trips they arrange for members of Congress"

Critics say, "the proposed changes, the first to lobbying laws in 11 years, are mainly cosmetic."

But not too cosmetic...

Wait... There's more! (3 comments, 299 words in story)

New Deputy in Town: DI in HS Email Print

From's newsletter:

Buchanan Lawyer Leaves for Key Homeland Security Position
Gina Passarella
The Legal Intelligencer

The recently added co-chairman of Buchanan Ingersoll's national security practice group will spend just one more week with the firm before his new role in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security begins.

Jack Thomas Tomarchio will resign from the Pittsburgh-based firm on Monday to take the newly created position of deputy director of intelligence for the Department of Homeland Security.


Tomarchio said he had been offered several different government positions during the past year and a half, but turned them down because they did not fit with his background and experience.


Legal recruiter Frank D'Amore of Attorney Career Catalysts said . . .  it would be a boon for (Tomarchio's) career in the long run and for Buchanan Ingersoll if he chooses to return to the firm.

BushCo's 2nd term:  Reach out and beg someone?  
