Keyword: radio

Radio's Net Perspective: An Interview with Robert Archer Email Print

Over the past few months, the blogosphere has been abuzz with talk about net neutrality, blogger privacy (anonymity) and "citizen journalists" recognition, NSA wiretapping and the impact /influence of the internet and blogs upon politics and traditional media outlets.  What I had yet to see -- and it's possible that I simply missed it -- is an interview with an industry professional regarding these topics.  
With that in mind, I decided to track down someone who could provide some perspective.  I made contact with LA-based radio personality Robert Archer, who agreed to have a chat about life, radio, the internet and the impact of the blogosphere.
Robert Archer has been in the radio and broadcast media business for 26 years.  In addition to his work directly in the radio industry, he has participated in numerous charity fundraisers, combining his reputation as a popular personality along with his dedication toward helping achieve maximum benefit.  He lives in LA with his wife, their dog, their cat and a car that once saw the movie "Christine" -- and liked it.

Come on inside and check out what he has to say.




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