Keyword: scams

Diagnosing Ann Coulter's Affliction Email Print

Like everyone else, Mean And Colder has jumped on the 6-6-6 bandwagon to pimp her latest book by dressing like a Whore and Babble On about some crazy thing or other...verily she comes across like a Beast. Her attack on 9/11 widows is not surprising. If she didn't say something wicked that would be surprising.

It's true she is an easy target. After all, she makes a living being outrageous.  Some days I think she was the one who started the rumors of her being a post-operative transgendered person.

I admit I used to watch her with the same morbid fascination I normally reserve for car crashes, until I realized the woman is sick... as in clinically afflicted.  Since we are now at a point where medical diagnoses can be dispensed remotely, let me walk you through the differential diagnosis.

Wait... There's more! (823 words in story)

Pat Robertson: Con-Man and Weather Forecaster Email Print

"On a TV show, Pat Robertson said -- and I quote, this is his quote. He said, 'If I heard the Lord right, the coast of America will be lashed by storms this year.' He actually said, 'If I heard the Lord right.' What? You weren't paying attention?"

-- Jay Leno (05/22/2006)

When he's not calling for assassinations of Democratically elected leaders, blaming feminists for 9/11, or doing business with murderous dictators, televangelist Pat Robertson is busy scamming well-intending Americans out of their hard-earned money.

His latest is a particularly egregious offense to our intellect as he positions himself as a would-be 'prophet' of sorts. According to Pat:

"I go away at the end of each year to pray, and if I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms."

Well, duh! How would that make this year any different from any other year?

Wait... There's more! (1004 words in story)