Keyword: statesman

Enough With The Who Is Al Gore Going To Endorse Rhetoric Email Print

Do people understand that there is absolutely no obligation for Al Gore to endorse anyone regardless of the past or any current relationships he may have with any of those running?

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Al Gore has No "Duty" To Run For Anything Email Print

With all Al Gore has done and is continuing to do some groups still don't think his work worthy enough to support on its merits so they continue to push him to return to a toxic system that ignored the climate crisis for thirty years. They don't seem to see the big picture, nor do I believe they have grown as Mr. Gore has through all of the experiences he has been through in the past few years. They use the excuse that it is his "moral duty" to run for president this time out as if his fulfilling what he sees as his moral duty to this planet isn't good enough for them. At this point I can then only think they are continuing to push him despite his statements that he has no plans to be a candidate again for purely selfish personal political reasons so they don't have to fulfill their duty.

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Patriots for Al Gore Statement Regarding Al Gore Receiving Nobel Peace Prize Email Print

Patriots for Al Gore Statement Regarding Al Gore Receiving Nobel Peace Prize

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The Life Of Al Gore: Will Nobel Be Next? Email Print

I took it upon myself to write this because I respect Al Gore immensely, and because I also respect President Franklin Roosevelt who has always been one of my true personal heroes. I wished to note some similarities between them in discussing Mr. Gore's life, and for me this was truly a labor of love that I thoroughly enjoyed writing from my heart. So in celebration of his nomination and possible win of the Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow, I wished to post it again.

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The Nobel Peace Prize and Al Gore Email Print

In October the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced and Al Gore is one of the main contenders for the prize this year and deservedly so.

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Why I Believe Al Gore Is A Great Man Email Print

One reason is because he is not a good "politician." And I say that with the highest regard for him, because to me a "politician" is the label I put on someone who is just part of the status quo fabric of this corrupted political system. Someone only out for their own benefit. Someone who plays the game at others' expense. Someone who does not see any higher purpose in what they do. So no, Al Gore is not a good "politician" and that is really a good thing.

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Al Gore Has Found His Calling Email Print

It would appear to me that there are those who are so wrapped up in their "presidential fantasies" that they are missing the greater picture behind what Al Gore is now accomplishing that will have a longterm effect that will last far beyond the next four years. I think it is time to focus on that because when put in context it is truly what great statesmen are made of.

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Thank you for Live Earth Al Gore and Kevin Wall Email Print

Written the morning after attending Live Earth at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. with some changes and additions.

I am still recovering from attending Live Earth this past Saturday because it was a transformational experience unparalelled. It was truly an undertaking that was handled with a real concern for our planet.


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I Support Al Gore's Three Year Plan For Our Planet Email Print

That slow burning fire has been at the heart of Al Gore's endeavors for the last thirty years, and it is now time for the world to feel that moral strength in their own lives in order for us to be able to face the challenge of this generation and the next generation... the climate crisis.

No ultimatums, no foot stomping, no looking for him to word his sentences a certain way in order to know that his heart is firmly set to doing what he has been trying to do for thirty years. This is what he went through the fire to get to. This is the result of him looking into the abyss and seeing his soul and finding his character. And this is what many of us will see when we look into our own abyss if we dare look... The challenge of a lifetime that requires a moral strength unlike anything we have ever seen before. A moral strength that far surpasses the daily political rhetoric, and a moral strength that is sustained like a slow burning fire every day for all our lives because it is kept alive by the search for truth.

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Media Out To Get Al Gore For The Assault On Reason Email Print

Remember this media talking point now: Al Gore only wrote The Assault On Reason as a precursor to a presidential run, not as the intelligent cogent argument of a statesman for the rule of reason. Right. This from a man who has totally excoriated the political process in this country and shown the media for the corporate propaganda arm of the government that it is. Oh yes, this is definitely the work of a man who wants to get back in that muck himself and is only pulling the wool over our eyes with this book...Well, at least that is the way it is depicted by those so far interviewing Al Gore regarding his new book, The Assault On Reason, and I see it as a deliberate attempt to divert discussion from the truth in the book and it seems many are also taking the bait.

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Regarding The Last Temptation of Al Gore Email Print

If people are that complacent and apathetic to allow the Constitutional abuses this regime committed, and if the people are that content or afraid to truly take on the challenges that lie before us, why should a good man like Al Gore have to take it upon his shoulders? Why is it always HIS duty and not ours?

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The Life of Al Gore Email Print

I took it upon myself to write this because I respect Al Gore immensely, and because I also respect President Franklin Roosevelt who has always been one of my true political and personal heroes. I wished to note some similarities between them in discussing Mr. Gore's life, and for me this was truly a labor of love that I thoroughly enjoyed writing from my heart. So in celebration of Mr. Gore's birthday which is today I wished to post it again.

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Al Gore To Be Asked By New Zealand Group: Where are the Pacific Evacuees? Email Print

Here's your answer.

New Zealand Climate Science Coalition policy panel chairman (now there's a mouthful) Owen McShane, another Flat Earth Society member no doubt, wants the New Zealand Superfund to challenge Al Gore on November 14 to answer a question they themselves could find the answer to if they only took the time to read themselves, rather than use this issue as a chance to take a whack at Al Gore because they think what he is doing is a ruse to run for President. See people, see what pushing a speculative political agenda ahead of what really matters gets you?

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Al Gore's Response To Bush's Dangerous Space Policy Email Print

Al Gore's response on this dangerous program is below, which I agree with. Just what will it take before we realize the capabilities we have to destroy ourselves, and that in the hands of the wrong people that well may come to pass?

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