Code Blue :: Activism

Invest Gold for future security Email Print

If you have extra money and you want to invest in some projects, what will you choose? For example: securities, real estate, futures, bonds, etc. If you are interested in gold coin collecting, now present a suitable place for you to buy gold. Now let me introduce you Regal Gold Coins, which can offer you free gold investment kit to support your metals investment. It has years of experience in the industry and has a group of experts who are familiar with gold investment. So you will get latest news and resources related to precious metal prices, exchange rates & interest rates, economic trends & policies, etc.

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Solutions for protecting files with Online Backup Email Print

Many company's and organizations faces back up problems to safeguard their entire data. To do this they have to get large storage units externally. Online back up has several advantages and promises better reliability than other technologies. There are a number of ways of backing up your data, but the one that has really taken off in the last few years is storage in the Cloud. That's the name given to the variety of online backup technologies that let you take a copy of the data on your laptop, your computer, and now even your phone, and store it safely away somewhere where you can forget about it.

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Family and Marriage Counseling Email Print

I am a married woman. I am also a mother of two lovely children.  I love and have been enjoying my life.  I always thank to God for giving me such a perfect life.  However, life was so difficult to me when I was a girl. My parents were broke up since I was five years old.  I had a hard and difficult life during my childhood because my father left us just like that.  My mom depressed and started trapped in drugs. I think I had enough with those terrible days.  That is why I will always try to do my best to keep my family and my marriage well.  I don't want such terrible things happen to my marriage and my family.

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Al Gore And Media Access Email Print

Yes, once again we hear the clamoring from the media that Al Gore is only allowing them five minutes in the room with him before giving his presentation on Aruba going green this next week...

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Tax cuts vs Social Security, dollars at stake Email Print

Most budget cassandras have Social Security right in their sights. Wyoming Republican Alan Simpson, the co-chair of the president's Deficit-reduction commission, has compared it to a "milk cow" in a vulgar broadside against the program. Each SS retiree, meanwhile, is pulling in a yearly average benefit of $13,900 — after having socked away a chunk or his or her paycheck into the fund continually through the working years.

Congress and the electorate can face up to a funding choice.

The SS fund has two sources of income: 1) the payroll tax and 2) interest income it receives every year on Treasury bonds it acquired when it had lent billions of dollars to the Treasury from surpluses it accumulated. Actuaries figure the fund's outflow will start to exceed its total yearly income around 2025. Over a 75-period, with no adjustments, the shortfall would amount to 0.7% of gross domestic product.

So to redress the shortfall during the 75-year actuarial period would require a dollar amount that's about 0.7% of GDP for the period.

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Reprieve for US stem cell funding Email Print

An appeals court in the United States suspended a ban imposed last month on federally-funded research involving embryonic stem cells. The court in Washington placed a temporary stay on an earlier decision by US District Judge Royce Lamberth. Judge Lamberth had ruled that the research violated US law because it involved destroying human embryos.

President Obama lifted a ban on federal funding for stem cell research in March. Critics say the ban, which was kept in place by Mr Obama's predecessor, George W Bush, impeded the fight to find treatments for diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a statement saying it was resuming its stem cell research program, which includes evaluating applications from external scientists wishing to receive public funding for their research.

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Obama Has done Exactly What He Promised to Do Email Print

We should've been so lucky as to have genuine single-payer, universal healthcare here like the dangerous and frightening socialists abroad.

We would've been ecstatic to welcome ALL of our soldiers back from desert wastelands to our beloved fields of grain and purple mountains majesty.

We could've sighed with relief as those who built the catalyst for financial collapse were brought swiftly and brutally to justice.

But reality got in our way.

In particular, we met a pipsqueak, congressional minority eager to abuse the power of filibuster, a belligerent foe willing to fill the void of a U.S.-less Iraq, a resurgent Taliban, and an economy that would cease to exist without a functioning banking system.

With all that, with all the obstacles, with all the critics (from both sides of the aisle), Obama was still able to fulfill the key promises of his campaign.

Below, I've compiled what I believe to be the presidents most important promises fulfilled.

Top 9 Obama Promises Kept (So Far)

1) Funded Stem Cell Research

Cell therapy is the medicine of the next century. It's the approach that has the potential to be the most game-changing medical advance since the introduction of antibiotics. George W. Bush's halt to federally funded stem-cell research, delaying progress for nearly a decade, was a crime against humanity. If there is any issue upon which Obama has restored hope, it is here, and we should all be eternally grateful.

Numbers two through eight are after the jump.

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Polling destiny. Swing state, no enthusiasm gap. Email Print

A ballyhooed gulf in excitement and commitment for D's & R's is not showing up like you'd expect in the closely watched battleground of Nevada. At least not at summer's end, heading to the home stretch. The National Review reports that Nevada's new voter registrations for the month of August leaned more heavily Democratic and independent than Republican. The August figures:  Democrats 2617, Republican 2037, non-partisan independent 2,249.  It's only one month, but gives no sign of fatigue in Democrats. The deadline to register in Nevada, by the way, is Saturday October 2.

The 2 parties have been trading leads a few times on the generic ballot question ("vote for a Democrat, or a Republican for Congress?") since the late spring, creating suspense and anxiety about the nationwide political landscape.

Recent polls don't settle it.  Politico/GW poll: tied (43-43, likely voters); and

Dems show a 1-point lead in the (pdf) PPP survey: D +1 >> PPP: "Democrats have retaken a 45-44 lead in the national generic Congressional ballot, after being down 42-45 in August."

"(The current) Democrats in Congress also still are better liked than their Republican counterparts by 19 points." Even so, the respondents said they believe the GOP will win the House despite their expressed voter preferences. Maybe they've heard the prediction broadcast in their ear.  From other surveys: CBS/NYT gives the GOP a 2-point edge. Gallup and AP give Republicans a bigger margin.

The most interesting poll is the one you've never heard of, by the Barna Group, an evangelical polling outfit (Ventura, Calif).

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The Myth of the Free Market Email Print

The Myth of the Free Market
by Craig Barnes

Millions of Americans are today unemployed because the free market is not working for them. Millions of Americans have lost their homes because the free market did not work for them or for the banks.  Before the health care bill passed last January millions could not get health care because the free market worked for them when they were healthy but often did not work at all when they needed care.

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The Glory of White-Wing Politics Email Print

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress...but then, I repeat myself."~~Mark Twain

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Slim, Gates and Spain pledge $150m to fight disease Email Print

Two of the world's richest men and the Spanish government have pledged $150m (£101.7m) to battle disease and improve health in Central America and Mexico. Carlos Slim and Bill Gates are to fund a project jointly with Spain aimed at improving nutrition and maternal health and fighting dengue fever and malaria. The two men and Spain's Princess Cristina announced the project in the Mexican capital, Mexico City. The project also aims to reduce infant mortality and boost vaccination rates.

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Even One of These Little Ones... Email Print

"Going to church no more makes you a Christian than sleeping in your garage makes you a car."~~Garrison Keiler

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Keep the Change... Email Print

Change is the process by which the future invades our lives~~Alvin Toffler, "Future Shock"
Each time it appears that Republicans can't get any nastier, any more bereft of morality, they wrap themselves in the flag, grab their guns and Bibles, and manage once again to hit the bottom of the ethical barrel. A good example is Ben Smith's recent startling revelation in, which exposed the dirty tricks Republican National Committee (RNC) operatives were planning to play, not only on Democrats in the upcoming elections -- but on their own donors. Smith writes...

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Was it Tina Fey all Along? Email Print

I’ve been thinking. What if there is no such person as Sarah Palin? What if it’s been Tina Fey all along, and it’s all been nothing more than a monumental hoax perpetrated by Al Franken’s former cohorts over at "Saturday Night Live?"

What if.

The whole Sarah Palin circus is no joke, however. And while many of the pundits and political analysts are treating her as such, it would be dangerous, I believe, to dismiss her out-of-hand. It’s a hard thing to ask of anyone who has watched and listened to her, especially at length, I know; but if you can get past the farcicality of it all, that this woman would actually consider herself a serious, viable candidate for anything (or that anyone else would!), there are definitely red flags on the horizon.

My reasoning is simple (and here I’m going to paraphrase the message printed on the T-shirt I’m wearing at the moment; as written, even though true, it comes across as a bit more harsh than what I’m comfortable with) to wit: "Never underestimate the power of ‘intellectually challenged’ people in large groups."

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Obama, Vietnam, and Afghanistan Email Print

I've spent a good part of the last week re-reading Neil Sheehan's book, A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam. Partly, this is just happenstance; I found a nicely annotated hardback copy in a local used book store. But it's also because I wanted to look again at the 1962-64 period of the Vietnam War to see how much it resembles our current situation in Afghanistan. I don't have good news to report.

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