Left Brain :: Analysis/Investigation

New Republican Majority, Where Do You Intend to Cut? Email Print

Perhaps the most revealing portion of Election Night 2010 coverage came when MSNBC pundits Chris Matthews and Lawrence O'Donnell asked one specific question that towered above all others.

The Republican right, the exclusive control mechanism of the party, had during the entire campaign leading up to Election Night coverage drummed over and over the point that if elected fiscal responsibility would be restored.  The era of high spending would end.

The Republicans were spurred on by the newest and most vocal element of their constituency, the Tea Party.  At scores of rallies held throughout America big government spenders were told that their days were numbered.  Tea Party members were, in the words of Peter Finch in the great seventies' hit film "Network", "mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore."

Two major Republican figures from the House of Representatives were asked the same question.  They were Tea Party favorites Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and forthcoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia.

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Welcome to the Brave New World of George W. Obama! Email Print

Barack Obama has cited his current tax bill as an example that Democrats and Republicans can work together.

Of course they can.  This type of deal making was always available.  The current tax proposal is capitulation being packaged as compromise.  Republicans are always delighted to see capitulation.  

Only a Barack Obama would have the gall to stand before America and proclaim that outright surrender constitutes a grand triumph of the American political system.

Take your bow, Mr. Obama.  The top 1 percent of Americans possess better than 90 percent of the nation's assets.  More Americans are working longer hours for less pay.  When was the last time that the minimum wage was increased?  

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Register Your Outrage Over Obama Cave-In to Republican Blackmail Email Print

I just finished calling Congressman Jim McDermott, my representative in Seattle.  I expressed my strong opposition to President Obama's caving in to Republican blackmail in agreeing under the guise of "compromise" to providing an extension to the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

Progressives owe a debt of gratitude to Dan Bartlett for expressing the truth even if the intention was to boast about a "victory" that has been a tragic loss to the middle class and poor and a victory for the super privileged of American society.  

Bartlett was chortling over the Republicans having put one over on the Democrats when it came to the initial act whereby such irresponsible cuts would be imposed.  It was not done in a normal fashion through legislation but as an add-on and as such the cuts would thereby expire.

This was but phase one of the strategy.  The intent at that time was for those tax cuts for the top two percent of Americans to be extended.  This is certainly the present intention of Senate and House Republican leadership, spearheaded by Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman and soon to be Speaker of the House John Boehner.

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"Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammunition, and Give Me My Tax Cuts!" Email Print

The reigning corporate plutocracy's game plan could be succinctly summarized by paraphrasing a famous song of yesteryear.

"Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition and give me my tax cuts!" is reflective of what passes for current day philosophy of the New World Order, neoconservative right inhabited by the likes of George W. Bush, Tea Partiers, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Karl Rove.

How much better it would be for America as well as the rest of the world if the angry Boehner refrain regarding Obama's health care legislation of "Hell no, you can't!" and the angry frustration embodied in it represented an accurate assessment of where things really stand in current day America.

In the overall scheme of events the Obama campaign refrain that Boehner was mocking is far more indicative of how the New World Order neocons are faring than any kind of accurate prediction of where Obama's forthcoming administration would take America.

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Two Americas: The Over Privileged and The Ignored Email Print

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich stated last week that, while a national unemployment figure of roughly 10 percent nationally is alarming enough, the figure is better than double that figure for those Americans without college degrees.

While America stands at a dangerous crossroad with a disparity between the super rich and the rest of Americans having reached the level at which revolutions occur, we see a situation where Rand Paul is elected to the senate in Kentucky, then promptly declares himself to be an advocate of the rich.  He states that they create jobs and as a result Americans should be kinder to them.

Paul's senior colleague from Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, recently appeared on "Meet the Press" and needed to be schooled by the program's host, David Gregory, on what constitutes a tax increase.  McConnell posited the idea that if a tax cut that those Americans making over $250,000 per year and up is not extended that the result is a tax increase being imposed during a turbulent economic period.

Gregory refused to let McConnell off the hook.  He pointed out the difference between the lapse of a tax cut and a tax increase.  The removal of a tax cut, while increasing the tax burden of the payer, encompasses what a person would have been paying but for the lessened amount.  Hence, removing a tax cut means that a former decreased status has been removed and the obligation level that would have otherwise been payable is now in vogue.

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Extend Bush Tax Cuts? Don't Call it Compromise, it is Surrender Email Print

Barack Obama as an Illinoisan who is also America's first African American president could be expected to be absorbed by Doris Kearns Goodwin's historical work on Lincoln, "Team of Rivals".

An impressive entry on Obama's student resume was serving as president of the Harvard Law Review.  In that situation he needed to assume a collegial posture and weigh positions on issues regarding potential articles.

Obama has carried the aforementioned instances into an unrealistic expectation that as president he can deal in a Lincolnesque or Harvard Law Review context with the likes of Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman John Boehner.  The only way that historical significance has relevance is if there are enough common facts to establish viable comparison.

Republican Senate Minority Leader McConnell delivered a message after the recent midterm election that should have provided Obama with a strong enough indication to recognize that his grand objective of compromise in the national interest was no more than wishful thinking without practical merit.  

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Just When You Think Bush Can Sink No Lower, He Does Email Print

Many Bush critics make the mistake of underestimating him.  This is one area where he has surprised with his ability to take a presumably bottomed out status and bottom it some more.

Bush's latest return with the same brash cockiness that has been a staple item recalls the words of a professor of his at Harvard, where he pursued a master of business administration degree.  

What the professor found in Bush's behavior, which included coming to class equipped with chewing tobacco and spitting pieces of it into a cup, was not so much a fundamental deficiency of intelligence but a glaring absence of parental development.

His father, George H.W. Bush, was criticized for a spoiled patrician's manner.  Critics said that he resembled someone who had been born on third base and was convinced that he had hit a triple.

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Time to Say "Enough!" to the GOP Email Print

The votes have been counted, the results are in. And just when I was beginning to think that the players on the Republican side of the aisle couldn’t get any more despicable (John Boehner), loathsome (Mitch McConnell), deplorable (Jim DeMint) or (add your own adjective and Republican name here; if you need help, contact me and I will be happy to supply you with a very long list from which to choose), the intellectually fallow voters in the State of Kentucky have seen fit to replace the ignoble Jim Bunning with Tea Bagger Rand Paul.

I leave it to you to decide what this says about the (voting) majority of Kentuckians. I would suggest, however, that in the days following his victory in the primary, Paul won the election as soon as he publicly professed his misgivings with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, implying that he would not have voted for it.

At least Bunning had a good fastball. Paul, on the other hand, is the guy who would maintain that having an umpire in the game of baseball is unnecessary. After all, if corporations can be trusted to regulate themselves, doesn’t it follow that the pitcher and catcher could be counted upon to call balls and strikes fairly?

Chock up one for the Tea Party.

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New York Times Poll Reveals Voter Schizophrenia Email Print

This is the most troubling of election seasons.  A New York Times Poll released this week underscores this tragic fact.

At a time when the Republicans are beset by Tea Party candidates whose serious behavior overwhelms the most conscious satire efforts constructed by writers of Saturday Night Live, a situation that would traditionally redound in favor of Democrats, we have instead a silly season where some of the most unfit candidates ever foisted on the public are enjoying leads in the polls.

Two recent classic cases, both from the West, jump out for inspection.  Meg Whitman, a woman who has unleashed her E-Bay executive millions in a bid to buy the governorship of California, used some of her money to purchase time for an ad where she inadvertently salutes her opponent.  

Whitman is seen and heard longing for the past, for that wonderful California of 1980 when she and her husband moved to the Golden State in pursuit of the good life.  

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Bush War Crimes Evidence Mandates Obama Action Email Print

Recent Wikileaks disclosures underscore what so many have been saying that there is an obligation of the Obama Administration to investigate and, if warranted by the evidence, take action.  

Many political officeholders and strategists have long contended that it would be absurd and impractical to ignite a political time bomb such as investigating and potentially recommending that criminal action be taken against members of the Bush Administration.  

This grave issue should not be decided based on political expediency.  International law and the United States Constitution mandate action if the evidence warrants it.

Let the Republican-Tea Party members, not necessarily in that order, scream at the tops of their lungs.  The louder that they shriek the greater the indication that justice is being served.

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Has Bill O'Reilly Practiced Anti-Islamic Bigotry? Email Print

Last week on the network talk show The View guest Bill O'Reilly was subjected to a walkout by two of the program's interviewers, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg.

Was the walkout justified?  By examining O'Reilly's comment that triggered the exit the logical conclusion to be drawn by examining the facts is that not only were the walkouts justified; Behar and Goldberg should be heartily commended.

The walkout was triggered by a comment that O'Reilly made that was consistent with anti-Islamic bigots who have spoken out on the topic.  O'Reilly opposed the building of an Islamic center near ground zero.  

This opposition exists despite the fact that the imam supporting the measure has been the quintessence of inclusive thought in the religious sphere.  The FBI has used him to brief agents as part of their sensitivity training.  He has interacted regularly with figures from the Christian and Jewish communities.  

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The Republican Right's Mad Tea Party Email Print

It has gone beyond referring to the rabidly self-righteous group as the Tea Party.  This is something out of Lewis Carroll.  Call it the Mad Republican Tea Party.

Just when some believed that things could not get anymore weird, along comes Republican Mad Tea Party congressional candidate Rich Iott of Ohio.  This challenger who, like other Mad Tea Party candidates, is running for office on the premise that he can help fix a broken political system, has an egregious hobby.

Iott explains that he is a history buff.  This is his reason for dressing up in a uniform from the 5th SS Wiking Panzer Division of Adolf Hitler's German Nazi Army from World War Two.  It was pointed out that this division was responsible for helping execute Hungarian Jews during World War Two.

Iott, displaying typical Mad Tea Party self-righteousness, blames critics for attacking him unfairly over a practice he can explain.  Given his fervent interest in history, Iott often dresses up in uniform relative to historical battle re-creations that are harmless.  In this case he earlier stated an admiration for Germany having demonstrated exemplary military expertise sufficient to almost achieve world conquest.

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What Scares Fox and Other Neocons: War Brings Dire Consequences Email Print

Here is a lesson from the neocons at Fox and elsewhere.  If you cover up a war rather than covering it and refuse to show the direct results of conflict then you are a patriot.

Let us say that someone chooses to cover that same war and shows the bloodshed that resulted.  To do so is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  In fact, such coverage should be immediately shut down.

This is precisely the scenario that occurred in the Iraq War.  This was Donald Rumsfeld's "shock and awe" war that was supposed to inflict casualties only on the troops of dictator Saddam Hussein, the same figure that Rumsfeld visited, shook hands with, and provided weapons with which he killed his own Kurdish population.

Now the neocons of the New World Order decided that it was time to rid Iraq of former ally Saddam so that profits would not have to be shared and Halliburton, Bechtel and Monsanto would have unrestrained pickings.  In fact, the division of spoils was decided in advance through secret meetings in former Halliburton head man and then Vice President Dick Cheney's office.

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Fox News and the Dumbing Down of America Email Print

ABC commentator Sam Donaldson on "This Week" in 1994 bemoaned the "dumbing down of America" and cited entertainment trends such as the popular film "Forest Gump" and the television comedy hit "Beavis and Butthead."

Now 16 years later an examination of what is happening in television reveals a far more dangerous pattern than the kind of programmed dumbness that Donaldson denounced.  The dumbing down of that period involved mainly comedy while today circumstances exist to be taken as far more serious and ultimately dangerous.

How many of you have undergone the depressing experience of attempting to reason with individuals who regularly watch Fox News?  If so can you understand why Keith Olbermann refers to Rupert Murdoch's network as "Fixed News"?

Analyzing the Fox News phenomenon once more sends us back to George Orwell's prescient masterpiece "1984" with the realization of why so many of us regard that work as the textbook for Propaganda 1.  Orwell's work superbly depicted a national television apparatus where the docile citizenry received messages from Big Brother without ever generating a spark of curiosity generating question asking.  

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Democrats Retreat Again, This Time on Tax Cuts Email Print

Those of us fascinated by American History recall those delightful days when the Democratic Party took the fight to the Republicans on programs it championed.  How markedly different is the timid example demonstrated under the "leadership" of Harry Reid.

Earlier in the week I wrote an article advancing the idea that the Democrats had a ready made issue to take to the voters in the upcoming mid-term election.  That issue was tax cuts and even as seasoned a neo-conservative strategist as Grover Norquist conceded that this could be a difficult issue for Republicans if Democrats exploited this potential strategic advantage.

With more Americans hurting by the day, with many unemployed and others working more hours than ever while seeing their standards of living eroding, there would be a massive reaction to the idea of continuing the Bush tax cuts with an emphasis on maintaining assistance to individuals in the top two percent.  

Economists have estimated that maintaining those cuts would cause the ever burgeoning debt to expand by $4 trillion over the next 10 years.

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