Keyword: 2000 election

Draft Al Gore? A Great Idea Globally and Nationally! Email Print

In my last column I cited the reasons why Al Gore is my De Facto President.  Since then I have heard from Mac Hathaway who, citing favorable comments Gore has received on this site, recommends drafting Gore for President.  You will read more on that later.  

Two previous presidential draft movements in American history gained traction and arouse discussion among historians and political enthusiasts today.  They occurred twenty years apart in 1940 and 1960.  The earlier effort resulted in that candidate securing his party's presidential nomination.

Wendell Willkie was an Indianan who became a corporate lawyer for Commonwealth and Southern.  While he opposed President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the realm of anti-trust law and other domestic issues, he was a solid internationalist who supported Roosevelt's efforts to aid Britain during that tragic period when it was imperiled under brutal Nazi siege at Dunkirk.  

Roosevelt had been fearful that a Republican nominee might campaign on an isolationist theme.  

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"...the high office of the President has been used to forment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight." John F. Kennedy (November 12, 1963, Columbia U, 10 days before his assassination)
I cannot recall a single day since Vulcans' Godfather James Baker sent his thuggish henchman John Bolton to Florida's Palm Beach County to screw up the vote count that has not been filled with horror, anger, shame -- despair. On Dec. 9, 2000 -- three days before the Florida deadline -- the US Republic shuddered on its axis when Bolton crashed through the doors of a Tallahassee library where Miami-Dade ballots were being recounted and shouted triumphantly -- "I'm with the Bush-Cheney team, and I'm here to stop the count!"

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Maybe I'm not strong enough to be an American citizen Email Print

Cross posted on Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, My Left Wing

Wed Jan 11, 2006 at 08:20:40 AM PDT

I am losing the ability to trust.

I'm about to turn off the TV. I'm close to throwing in the towel. I'm strong. I'm very strong, but maybe I'm not strong enough to be an American citizen.

Several years ago, I was in Scotland. A Scottish physician said to me, "America scares me!" I looked at her and laughed.

Now, America is haunting me as well. Perhaps all societies must endure a plunge into the abyss before emerging in the brilliant glow of sunshine. But, this great American descent is deeper and longer than I can fathom--with no end in sight.

This morning the NY Times reports that the IRS is withholding refunds due our poorest citizens.

"Tax refunds sought by 1.6 million poor Americans over the last five years were frozen and their returns labeled fraudulent, although the vast majority appear to have done nothing wrong, the Internal Revenue Service's taxpayer advocate told Congress yesterday."

Wait... There's more! (6 comments, 711 words in story)

Merry Christmas To Me Email Print

I have always had strong political opinions. Throughout my life I have written letters and editorials, posted on blogs, passed out materials and worked on elections. In November of 2000 I went into shock. I didn't come out of it until Dean woke me up to `take back our country'. We all know what happened next.

Perhaps we have gotten the government that we deserve. There is no doubt that "Freedom isn't free." However it's not just some anonymous member of the military that needs to pay the price. It is you. And me. No exceptions and no exemptions.

Wait... There's more! (1714 words in story)