Keyword: 2008 elections

"To speak about God, and remain silent on Vietnam, is blasphemous." Email Print

These are the words of the great rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.

And it is these words, and this man, that have inspired rabbi Dennis Shulman (D) to challenge conservative extremist Scott Garrett (R) in NJ-5 this 2008.

Like his spiritual forefather, Shulman has concluded that he can no longer speak about God and remain silent on Iraq, as well as many of the other pressing and important issues of our times.

To learn more about Dr. Shulman, who is also a practicing psychologist, check out this recent New York Sun profile: Shulman Aims To Be First Blind Rabbi in Congress


Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 138 Email Print

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Having organized protests against the Republican Convention, I found I had a core of activists who were looking to me for support after Bush "won" re-"election". My carefully thought out suggestions as to where we could go from that defeat led to this more-or-less weekly newsletter.

This week I highlight a couple of primaries progressive Democrats need to focus on for 2008, I revisit the Katrina 11 (the 11 Republicans who voted against helping Katrina victims), I highlight's efforts for our children's healthcare, I discuss how serious global warming is becoming and how we REALLY need to all act now, and I highlight some local stuff going on in Virginia, New York State, New York City and Colorado.

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Draft Gore 2008 Suggested Action Steps: July 23, 2007 Email Print

"Yes, we can," is the right answer to the wrong question "Will he" or "Won't he."

Recently, DraftGore.Com submitted their petition with 100 thousand signatures to Al Gore. Al Gore could have the told them not to continue their efforts if he wanted to rule out a run or rule out being drafted. There are no signs that he did. Recently, DraftGore.Com started airing radio ads in Iowa and apparently will air national radio ads as well.

Cross-posted at Daily Kos

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These are Days You'll Remember -- Open Letter to VP Gore Email Print

Dear Vice President Gore,

Fifteen years ago "10,000 Maniacs" blessed the world with their classic, "These are Days". The song began:

These are days you'll remember. Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this.

And as you feel it, you'll know it's true that you are blessed and lucky...

The song continues
, counting the wonders and miracles of life -- of this precious time we have on Earth.

Now, we are struck with yet another group of maniacs promising us days that we'll remember. Only this time, they reside in the White House and in the halls of the punditocracy. And, unfortunately, we'll be remembering these days not for their 'wonder and warmth' but rather for their descent into corruption and chaos.

As you might have noticed, we live in pivotal times. As Americans, we've been hornswaggled into believing that our votes are counted, our wars are just, our science is fuzzy, our leaders are moral, and our media is capable. Now most all of us know better so the bliss of ignorance is lost.

And beneath the veil of Fox-fed infotainment obscurity is a painful truth -- that we have allowed ourselves as a society to be drugged into a fearful state of subordinate acceptance. Sometimes I feel our collective brain has deflated to mush. And I'm forced to contemplate the horrors that our children might one day face as a result of our collective cowardice, ignorance and self-righteousness. What did they do to deserve this?

Wait... There's more! (1100 words in story)

Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 120 Email Print

This week I discuss the debates (briefly), Bush's veto, Ann Coulter, and the terrible malaise Bush has placed over the Republican Party. If you visit my blog, don't forget to click on an advertiser or two since that helps me keep the blog going. As usual I also highlight local events and organizations for several states. And, if you want more political and social discussions, please check out our offerings on Culture Kitchen.

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What will you demand of the next president? Email Print

Cross posted on Daily Kos and Booman Tribune

If we survive the next two plus years, I've started to think about what I consider to be non-negotiable demands I will make of the next president.

Here are some things that I've come up with, what about you?

A clearly defined strategy for dealing with Iraq. This does not mean a bunch of double talk, triple speak and hemming and hawing. It means a precise description of what will happen, how it will happen, and when it will happen. This must be articulated in clear and crisp sentences which contain a beginning, a middle and an end.

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