Keyword: 4th Amendment

Warrantless Wiretaps are WORTHLESS Email Print

Update [2006-10-24 13:20:49 by Tom Ball]: It's clear that this story must receive maximum exposure, so I've brought it back to the top for another go at the world.

It's been clear from the beginning that the warentless wiretaps aren't needed because the FISA court was already set up to allow instant access to any possible "known terrorist."  So we already knew that the wiretaps were more about grabbing power than stopping terrorists.

But here's something you might not have realized.  The wiretaps themselves are worthless.

Wait... There's more! (498 words in story)

... With Liberty and Justice for All Email Print

I've been biting my tongue about the Bush Regime's secret NSA wiretapping / eavesdropping scandal. I wanted to let the ramifications sink in... to soak in to the cockles of my grey matter and see what stewed to the top. Usually an act as blatant as this doesn't take this much time to stew. However, once I grasped the enormity of this story... I had to wait for the anger to subside before I could process the emotions in to words.

Wait... There's more! (1367 words in story)