Keyword: Astroturf

Avoiding Catastrophe: YES WE CAN PART II Email Print

Recently I wrote a diary discussing global warming, indicating the overwhelming evidence that it is happening and suggesting that we can do something about it. Many of the comments I got on other sites were negative. The objections to my diary included a.) global warming is a scam; b.) we are not technically advanced enough to make any real changes; c.) our society won't do anything, so we have to act as individuals and forget about societal action; and, worst of all, d.) fine, you can do what you want about global warming as long as it doesn't inconvenience me.

I want to address these negative comments because, quite simply, they are all wrong and all of them interfere with our ability to mitigate global warming.

Wait... There's more! (2 comments, 4069 words in story)

J'accuse! Distorting reality in "Global Warming's Real Inconvenient Truth" Email Print

This morning, the Washington Post published an outrageous column by Robert J. Samuelson. In this travesty of a column, Samuelson argues the futility of trying to do anything re Global Climate Change other than new research.

Samuelson's Global Warming's Real Inconvenient Truth has factual errors, misleading statements and conclusions, and provides a counterproductive path for thinking about and achieving change for a better future.

If you are not, you should be, terrified about the prospects of the world we are creating for ourselves and future generations.  An Inconvenient Truth is an incredible movie whose fault, if anything, is that it is not pessimistic enough. Samuelson's OPED looks to be part of the effort to diminish AIT's impact and to derail efforts to turn the world toward a better tomorrow.  

Wait... There's more! (2 comments, 2779 words in story)