Keyword: Barrie Zwicker

The 9/11 Chronicles: Straight Talk from Zwicker and Tarpley Email Print

On April 1, 2006 two of the premier figures of the 9/11 Truth Movement appeared back-to-back on the University of Washington campus in Seattle to discuss where that movement currently stands as well as the issues motivating it.  These lectures are now available on DVD at or

Barrie Zwicker delivered an effective presentation stressing why progressives need to unite behind the effort to promote an independent investigation into what happened that tragic day when the Twin Towers collapsed.  

At that point the Bush Administration began simultaneously to prevent efforts to launch a thorough and independent investigation into the causes of the tragedies and at the same time curtailed traditional American freedoms guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.

Using the Patriot Act as a linchpin, a dangerous piece of legislation passed in the aftermath of the tragic events and without members of Congress even reading it, American began to be transformed into what Bush, Cheney and other Administration figures labeled a period of war.  

Wait... There's more! (1173 words in story)