Keyword: Bill Ayers

Sarah Palin, Are You by Your Own Definition Anti-American? Email Print

Some observers of the current presidential campaign have expressed surprise and asked why so many forces of hate have shouted angry epithets of "Terrorist!" and "Kill him!" at emotionally tinged Sarah Palin rallies.

The real question to ask is "Why would these hateful elements not be there?"

Republican operatives realize that there is a far right, kook element of their party that they make fun of in private, with such documentation currently existing, but pander to in the saddest, most debasing way at political crunch time.

If in place of Palin a Candidate X were to address Republican rallies arguing strongly for a different economic plan to bring the U.S. economy out of its doldrums this would call for thinking rather than vicious shouts.  Appeal to the narrowest base of the party and the fringe element angrily converges.

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McCain and Palin; Two Political Attack Dogs on the Loose? Email Print

An October 13 Associated Press article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer by Liz Sidoti is headlined:


Liz Sidoti states:

"McCain has to make the case that he's different than Bush and better than Obama on the economy," said former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

Wait... There's more! (667 words in story)