Keyword: Bill Richardson

Will Obama be More of the Same Government Corruption? Email Print

That is the question!  As far as I am concerned it doesn't look as though the change Obama based his campaign upon will become a reality.

To begin with, not one appointee in Obama's cabinet was against the Iraq War.  The old cliché "birds of a feather flock together" is tried and true.  

Why wasn't Dennis Kucinich, who was one of the most courageous congressmen in blasting away at Bush's Iraq War tragedy, given a significant post?

Obama, you knew very well why the public voted for you -- your opposition to the Iraq War and change!  

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Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 122 Email Print

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. After much pressure from readers, this email newsletter is now going the blog route. I update the blog once a week focusing on both national issues and issues of interest to particular regions or states. In general, NYC, California, New Jersey, Virginia and the Midwest get special attention simply because those are the areas where I seem to have the most readers.

This week I discuss the Democratic presidential candidates, another right wing nutcase spewing hate speech, and how Veterans are targeting John McCain for his lockstep, blind support of Bush. If you visit my blog, don't forget to click on an advertiser or two since that helps me keep the blog going. As usual I also highlight local events and organizations for several states. And, if you want more political and social discussions, please check out our offerings on Culture Kitchen.

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So Who Has That Vision Thing? Email Print

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The topic below was originally posted in my blog, the Intrepid Liberal Journal.

So how do you select the candidate you support for President? Is it issues? Hair? Charisma? Perhaps you're persuaded by an impressive resume? Ideology? Is it their religion or ethnicity? A single issue that for you dwarfs any other consideration? And if you're a Democrat or Republican, how do you know when candidate X is the one you support to be your party's nominee? Perhaps you reject both parties completely and prefer nominees of third parties such as the Greens or Libertarians?

Wait... There's more! (3 comments, 1141 words in story)

Reminiscing About the Future: Al Gore's Announcement Speech Email Print

The topic below was originally posted in my blog the Intrepid Liberal Journal.

Working through whom to support for president in 2008 has been cathartic for me. Typically I try candidates on for size by writing hypothetical speeches in their voice and occasionally post the results. I did this with Russ Feingold several months ago and liked how it felt but alas he isn't running. Recently I did the same for Barack Obama and enjoyed the challenge but it required writing in heavy religious overtones and felt uncomfortable. As I review the prospective field in the Democratic Party I neither see nor feel a president among Joe Biden, Wesley Clark, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, John Kerry, Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson and Tom Vilsak.

Each has merits and flaws. From my vantage point however, the right candidate must combine maturity, gravitas, experience, intellect, authenticity, foresight and desire to serve a cause bigger than themselves. Al Gore has flaws of his own but is best suited for the job. We don't need a nominee who sticks their finger to the wind and follows the politics of expediency. Now is also not the time to nominate a pretty face or sound bite machine with a glass jaw. The real question is will Gore run? So I decided to compose a hypothetical announcement speech in Gore's voice and try him on for size. Looking at 2008 I like how Gore fits.

Wait... There's more! (1854 words in story)