Keyword: Bush Administration Lies on Iraq

Study Suggests Bush Administration Lied About Iraq 935 Times! Email Print

According to the Center for Public Integrity, George W. Bush and administration operatives lied about Iraq 935 times.  As quoted on the site:

"Incredible as it seems, the Bush administration may have been dishonest every day, forever, about Iraq.  That's the shocking conclusion of some study funded by `limousine liberal' George Soros.  According to the report Bush and Cheney and the rest of the administration spent all their time between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq successfully convincing our nation's dumber people - Congress, reporters, etc. - that Saddam Hussein was about to launch even more jetliners full of Anthrax into American buildings.

"It is especially useful to know the number of times we were deceived by the Bush administration.  The number is 935 times, according to the Center for Public Integrity.  Feels good to know the truth!"

Bush did a comical Saudi sword dance on his Middle East mission, between arms deals, between tough talks about Iran.  Has he forgotten it was Saudi Arabia where 9/11 terrorists came from, and are responsible for the Twin Towers tragedies?

Wait... There's more! (686 words in story)