Keyword: Center for Constitutional Rights

Rumsfeld to be charged with War Crimes Email Print

The Center for Constituional Rights will file a suit in Berlin on Tuesday charging Donald Rumsfeld with war crimes for Gitmo and other abuses of the Geneva Convention.

I can understand the rationale for not wanting to impeach Bush, Cheney, et al, but if a sitting President can get away with destroying the Constitution the way Bush has, then why do we even have impeachment proceedings anymore.  We are not talking about covering up a second rate burglary job or fibbing about a consensual sex act in the oval office.  We are talking about the systematic destruction of the document that holds this country together -- what else do you have to do to get impeached.  My question is what will the new Congress do if their investigations/subpoenas turn up evidence of impeachable offenses.  Will they move forward or simply sweep it under to rug?

See the case for impeachment for more information
