Keyword: Clarence Thomas

Get Real, Progressives! The Only Answer is Impeachment! Email Print

Not long ago progressives launched a fervent effort to replace Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General.  

That effort was bolstered by communications from leading Democratic Party figures urging those concerned by Gonzales's politicization and unswerving loyalty to the Cheney-Bush neoconservative junta to petition the White House with e-mails and letters demanding justice.

I was contacted via e-mail by a highly prominent Democratic Party senator enlisting my effort by adding my name and e-mail protest toward this pursuit.

While I had earlier joined in such petition efforts to snowball the prevailing powers, I finally declined for what I believe to be the logical reason that enough misdirected effort had already been dispatched in that direction.

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Alito and Orrin Hatch Hypocrisy Email Print

Remember Senator Orrin Hatch's great performance during the Clarence Thomas confirmation proceedings?  

In between pouting and childish tantrums he managed, with help from Arlen Spector, to trash Anita Hill when it was later confirmed by David Brock, who was helping lead the smear brigade and later turned on the radical right, that the law professor was telling the truth.

It was Hatch who hatched a booby hatch theory that Hill's testimony describing devout rightist Thomas's penchant for pornography stemmed from plagiarizing the famous seventies' book and later film, The Exorcist.  Hatch ultimately got his wish to have Thomas confirmed, where he has become a reliable rubber stamp marching to the tune of the patriarch of judicial reaction, Antonin Scalia.

Cross Hatch's path by daring to take an opposing view and he is quick to label you a "propagandist", a classic case of being called ugly by a frog.  He is currently singing his familiar tune again pertaining to Samuel Alito, Jr.  

"Under any reasonable, objective or traditional standard, the Senate would overwhelmingly confirm this exceptional nominee," the Utah solon declared in his traditional holier than thou fashion.

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